(A) All proposed planned unit development shall follow the procedure for plat preparation and subdivision approval as set forth in the county subdivision regulations (Chapter 153). In addition, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the preliminary plat of the proposed planned unit development to aid them in deciding the merits of the proposed project.
(1) Nothing herein should be construed to mean that the land owner has the inherit right to develop a planned unit development. The Planning Commission has the power to decide whether or not to allow the planned unit development based on their experience, knowledge, public hearing and the standards set forth herein. Accompanying all preliminary plats shall be calculations for overall density, parking requirements and other material the Commission may reasonably require.
(2) If the Planning Commission approves the preliminary the developer may proceed with activities leading to final plat approval providing that the project shall be developed in conformance with the approved preliminary plat.
(B) Upon approval by the Planning Commission and Fiscal Court, as appropriate, a planned unit development district may be applied to any existing residential district. Upon approval of a final development plan, the Official Zoning Map shall be annotated for the land area involved so that the district name includes the notation, “P.U.D.”
(C) A building permit shall be required for each building in accordance with §§ 154.020 through 154.025. Approval of a planned unit development shall expire if no-substantial work on the site has begun within six months of original approval or if the project is abandoned for more than twenty-four consecutive months. Abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred when no improvements have been made pursuant to the approved planned unit development plat. All approved planned unit development plats shall be recorded with a certificate of land use restriction in the County Clerk’s office per KRS 100.3681.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
This section sets forth the content and procedure for submission, review and approval of all development plans called for by the Planning Commission. The Commission shall require the submission and approval of a preliminary and/or final development plan for all zone map amendments; provided, that the Commission may allow preliminary and final subdivision plats to be submitted in lieu of the development plan as appropriate for residential zones. The Commission shall require the submission and approval of a preliminary and/or a final development plan for all proposed developments. Decisions shall be based upon findings that there are existing or potential flood, drainage, traffic, topographic or other similar problems relating to the development of the subject property that could have an adverse effect on existing or future development of the subject property in the vicinity. A development that is proposed to be developed in phases will require the submission of an overall conceptual development plan for the entire proposal which shall accompany the preliminary and final detailed development plan for each phase. Approved development plans shall be a covenant running with the parcel.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
Preliminary development plans shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and shall then contain all information required by § 154.228. A public hearing on a zone map amendment shall not be closed until the preliminary development plan has been submitted to the Commission and recommended for approval or disapproval. If the preliminary development plan is disapproved or if the Commission fails to approve or disapprove the plan and the map amendment is subsequently approved by Fiscal Court, the Commission shall approve a development plan for the subject property which shall be the final development plan.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)
Final development plans required herein shall be submitted within two years of the approval of the preliminary development plans and the Commission shall approve a final development plan for the subject property with such conditions as are found necessary to comply with the provisions of this chapter, if any, within 90 days after the applicant has submitted a complete final development plan.
(Ord. passed 1-11-2005)