This chapter shall apply to all special flood hazard areas (SFHA), areas applicable to KRS 151.250 and, as determined by the Floodplain Administrator or other delegated, designated or qualified community official as determined by the Fiscal Court of the county from available technical studies, historical information and other available and reliable sources, areas within the jurisdiction of the Fiscal Court of the county which may be subject to periodic inundation by floodwaters that can adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the county.
(Ord. 01-05.25.10, passed 5-27-2010)
The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the flood insurance study (FIS) for the county, dated September 17, 2010 with the accompanying flood insurance rate maps (FIRMS), other supporting data and any subsequent amendments thereto, are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of these regulations. This FIS and attendant mapping is the minimum area of applicability of this chapter and may be supplemented by studies for other areas which allow implementation of this chapter and which are recommended to the Fiscal Court by the Floodplain Administrator and are enacted by the Fiscal Court pursuant to statutes governing land use management regulations. The FIS and/or FIRM are permanent records of the county and are on file and available for review by the public during regular business hours at County Building Inspection Office.
(Ord. 01-05.25.10, passed 5-27-2010)
(A) A development permit shall be required in conformance with the provision of this chapter prior to the commencement of any development activities in the special flood hazard areas (SFHA). See § 152.41 for instructions and explanation.
(B) Application for a development permit shall be made on forms furnished by the Floodplain Administrator.
(Ord. 01-05.25.10, passed 5-27-2010)