(A)   Contractor’s bonds. Any person or persons, company or companies, firm or firms, corporation or corporations entering into a contract with the town for the construction of any public building or the prosecution or completion of any public work, or for repairs upon any public building or public work, shall be required before commencing work, to execute, in addition to all bonds that may now or hereafter be required of them, a penal bond pursuant to the requirements of C.R.S. § 38-26-105, with good and sufficient surety or sureties, to be approved by the Town Manager, conditioned that such contractor or contractors shall promptly make payments of all amounts lawfully due to all persons supplying or furnishing him, her or them, or his, her or their contractor or subcontractors, with labor or materials, used or performed in the prosecution of the work provided for in such contract, and will indemnify the town to the extent of any and all payments in connection with the carrying out of such contracts which said town may be required to make under the law.
(Prior Code, § 161.1)
   (B)   Publication of legal notices. Ordinances and other legal notices of the town shall be published in the official newspaper of record of the town.
(Prior Code, § 161.2)
   (C)   Purchases of the town. Purchases by the town shall be governed by the purchasing policy of the town, which must be approved and/or amended by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
(Prior Code, § 161.3)
(Ord. 500, passed 3-3-2005)