(A)   Any adult business license issued pursuant to the terms of this chapter shall be prominently displayed at all times upon the premises for which the license was issued in accordance with § 115.005(B)(8) of this chapter.
   (B)   Licenses issued under this chapter shall not be transferable, except as provided herein. Any transfer of ownership or control by a licensee holding an adult business license shall result in termination of the license unless such licensee within 30 days prior to any such transfer files a written notice of such transfer accompanied by the application fee and an investigation fee as required by §§ 115.005(B) and 115.006 of this chapter. Any such transfer shall be reported on forms provided by the Town Clerk and shall require the names of all new principal owners and any information as required by § 115.005(A) of this chapter. Approval or denial by the Town Clerk of such transfer shall be upon the same terms as provided for in this chapter for the approval or denial of an adult business license.
   (C)   When a license has been issued to a husband and wife or to general or limited partners, the death of a spouse or partner shall not require the surviving spouse or partner to obtain a new license. All rights and privileges granted under the original license shall continue in full force and effect as to such survivors for the balance of the license.
   (D)   Each license issued under this chapter is separate and distinct, and no person shall exercise any of the privileges granted under any license other than that which he or she holds. A separate license shall be issued for each specific adult business and each geographical location.
(Prior Code, § 760.12) (Ord. 498, passed 1-6-2005) Penalty, see § 10.999