For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly requires a different meaning. Terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings adopted in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation.
   ACT. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, Pub. Law No. 92-500, and subsequent amendments (e.g., Clean Water Act of 1977).
      (1)   A principal executive officer of at least the level of vice president, if the industrial user is a corporation;
      (2)   A general partner or proprietor if the industrial user is a partnership or proprietorship, respectively; and
      (3)   A duly authorized representative of the individual designated above if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the indirect discharge originates.
   BOD or BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND. The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory methods of five days at 20ºC, expressed in terms of weight and concentration (milligrams per liter).
   BUILDING OFFICIAL. The Town Manager of the Town of Limon, Colorado, or his or her designated representative.
   COLLECTION LINE. The portion of the wastewater treatment system which collects and transmits wastewater from users to the wastewater treatment plant, excluding service lines.
   COMMERCIAL. Pertaining to all wastewater service provided to other than residential, restaurant or industrial users.
   COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE. A schedule containing increments of progress in the form of dates for the commencement and/or completion of major events leading to the construction and operation of additional pretreatment required for the user to meet the applicable pretreatment standards.
   COMPOSITE SAMPLE. A series of grab samples of equal volume taken over a predetermined time period without regard to flow and which are combined into one sample.
   CONVENTIONAL POLLUTANT. BOD, suspended solids, pH and fecal coliform bacteria, and such additional pollutants as are now or may be in the future specified and controlled in the town’s CDPS permit for its wastewater treatment works where said works have been designed and used to reduce or remove pollutants.
   COOLING WATER. The water discharged from uses such as air conditioning or refrigeration or to which the only pollutant added is heat.
      (1)   From the non-commercial preparation, cooking and handling of food; or
      (2)   Containing human excrement and similar matter from the sanitary conveniences of dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities and institutions.
   FAST FOOD RESTAURANT. An establishment where meals and refreshments are prepared on the premises for sale to the public and said meals are served in or on paper products and no garbage disposal is located upon the premises.
   FIXTURE UNIT EQUIVALENT. The unit value prescribed for plumbing fixtures as set out in the Uniform Plumbing Code, latest edition, computed on the basis of the design capability of such fixture to permit the flow of water or wastewater.
   GARBAGE. Solid wastes from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage and sale of food.
   GRAB SAMPLE. A singular sample of a user’s effluent which is taken during the user’s normal operating day without regard for variations in daily operational characteristics, flow or concentrations of pollutants.
   INCOMPATIBLE POLLUTANT. Any pollutant which is not a “conventional pollutant”, as defined herein.
   INDIVIDUAL WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM. A septic tank, cesspool or similar self- contained receptacle or facility which collects and/or treats or otherwise disposes of wastewater and which is not connected to the wastewater treatment system of the town.
   INDUSTRIAL USER. A source of indirect discharge under regulations pursuant to the Act or for which local pretreatment standards have been published by the Environmental Protection Agency or for which local pretreatment standards have been established.
   INDUSTRIAL WASTE. Any liquid, solid or gaseous waste or form of energy or combination thereof resulting from any process or operational procedures of an industrial user.
   INTERFERENCE. Inhibition or disruption of the publicly-owned treatment work’s (POTW’s) sewer system, treatment processes operations or which contributes to a violation of any requirement of the towns’ CDPS permit. The term includes prevention of sewage sludge use or disposal by the POTW in accordance with § 405 of the Act (33 U.S.C. § 1345) or any criteria, guidelines or regulations developed pursuant to the Solid Wastes Disposal Act (SWDA), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act or more stringent state criteria applicable to the method of disposal or use employed by the POTW.
   MASTER PLUMBER. A master plumber as defined in and licensed pursuant to C.R.S. Title 12, Art. 155, as the same may be now or hereafter amended.
   NPDES or NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM. The program for issuing, conditioning and denying permits for the discharge of pollutants from point sources into the navigable waters, the contiguous zone and the oceans pursuant to § 402 of the Act. This shall be analogous with the term CDPS, COLORADO DISCHARGE PERMIT SYSTEM, wherein the state is delegated the authorities and responsibilities outlined above.
   NEW SOURCE. Any industrial user, the construction of which is commenced after the effective date of regulations prescribed in § 307(c) (33 U.S.C. § 1317) categorical pretreatment standard which will be applicable to such industrial user.
   NORMAL DOMESTIC STRENGTH WASTEWATER. Wastewater that when analyzed by standard methods contains no more than 280 milligrams per liter of suspended solids (TTS) and 280 milligrams per liter of BOD.
   OPERATING DAY. The portion of a 24-hour day during which industrial wastes are discharged or generated.
   pH. The logarithm of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions in moles per liter of solution.
   PLANT INVESTMENT FEE. The charge assessed against new users of the wastewater treatment system to finance capital improvement of the wastewater treatment system.
   PRETREATMENT. Application of physical, chemical and/or biological processes to reduce the amount of pollutants in or to alter the nature of the pollutant properties in wastewater prior to discharging such wastewater into the wastewater treatment system.
   PRETREATMENT STANDARDS. All applicable federal rules and regulations implementing § 307 of the Act, as well as any non-conflicting state or local standards. In cases of conflicting standards or regulations, the more stringent thereof shall be applied.
   RECEIVING WATER. Lakes, rivers, streams or other watercourse which receive treated or untreated wastewater.
   RESIDENTIAL. Pertaining to wastewater service provided premises used as dwelling places or residences, including, but not limited to, single-family dwellings, common wall multi-family dwellings, mobile homes and manufactured homes.
   RESTAURANT. An establishment where meals and refreshments are prepared on the premises for sale to the public.
   SERVICE LINE. The wastewater collector line extending from the wastewater disposal facilities of the premises up to and including the connection to the collection line.
   SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER. Any industrial user of the town’s wastewater treatment system whose discharge rate:
      (1)   Exceeds 25,000 gallons per average operating day; or
      (2)   Is determined by the to have significant impact, either singly or in concert with other contributing industries, in the treatment works such that the quality of the effluent from the treatment works deviates from the requirements set forth in the Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS) permit issued to the town, or such that interference with the treatment process or facilities would result.
   SIGNIFICANT VIOLATION. A violation of this code which remains uncorrected 45 days after notification of non-compliance; or which is a pattern of non-compliance over a 12-month period; or which involves a failure to accurately report non-compliance; or, which resulted in the POTW exercising its emergency authority under § 403.8(F)(1)(IV)(B) of the Act.
   SLUDGE DISCHARGE. Any discharge of water, sewage or industrial waste which:
      (1)   Contains any substances regulated by §§ 53.080 through 53.084 of this chapter in concentrations which exceed for any period longer than ten minutes more than five times the average daily concentration of that substance during normal operations and exceeds the limitations contained in §§ 53.080 through 53.084 of this chapter;
      (2)   Causes a twofold or more increase in discharge rate for a period longer than 20 minutes; or
      (3)   Causes the user’s effluent to violate the pH limitations provided in §§ 53.080 through 53.084 of this chapter for a period longer than 20 minutes.
   STORM WATER. Any flow occurring during or immediately following any form of natural precipitation and resulting there from.
   SUPERINTENDENT. The operator in responsible charge (ORC) or his or her designated representative.
   SUSPENDED SOLIDS. The total suspended matter that floats on the surface of, or is suspended in, water, wastewater or other liquids, and which is removable by laboratory filtering by standard methods.
   TOWN. The Town of Limon, Colorado, the operating organization responsible for the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment system.
   UNPOLLUTED WATER. Water not containing any substances limited or prohibited by the effluent standards in effect or water whose discharge will not cause any violation of receiving water quality standards.
   USER. Any person who discharges, or causes or permits the discharge of wastewater into the town’s wastewater treatment system.
   USER CLASSIFICATION. A classification of users such as residential, commercial, restaurant, industrial or significant industrial user.
   WASTEWATER. The liquid and water-carried industrial or domestic wastes from dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities and institutions, whether treated or untreated, which is discharged into or permitted to enter the town’s wastewater treatment system.
      (1)   Any devices, facilities, structures, equipment or works owned or used by the town for the purpose of the transmission, storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of industrial and domestic wastes, or necessary to recycle or reuse water at the most economical cost over the estimated life of the system, including intercepting sewers, outfall sewers, collection lines, pumping, power and other equipment and their appurtenances and excluding service lines;
      (2)   Extensions, improvements, additions, alterations or any remodeling thereof;
      (3)   Elements essential to provide a reliable recycled supply such as standby treatment units and clear well facilities; and
      (4)   Any works, including the land and sites that may be acquired, that will be an integral part of the treatment process or is used for ultimate disposal of residues resulting from such treatment.
(Prior Code, § 137.1) (Ord. 171, passed 7-7-1958; Ord. 339, passed - -; Ord. 398, passed 6-6-1996; Ord. 480, passed 3-6-2003; Ord. 577, passed 11-6-2014)