It shall be the duty of the City Engineer, whenever ordered by Council to do so, to notify any railroad company owning or controlling a railroad line passing through the limits of the City to construct or repair, as the case may be, crossings, approaches or sidewalks in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1030.01 through 1030.03. Such notice shall be in writing, shall describe the place where such crossing, approach or sidewalk is to be constructed or repaired, shall set forth the kind and extent thereof and the manner in which the same is to be constructed or repaired, as provided in the abovementioned sections, and shall require that such crossing, approach or sidewalk be constructed or repaired within thirty days from the date of service of the notice. Such notice shall be serviced upon the nearest station agent or section foreman, and a true copy thereof, with the date of service and manner of service endorsed thereon, shall forthwith be filed by the City Engineer with the Clerk of Council.