All crossings of public streets and the tracks of railways within the corporate limits shall be constructed and maintained in the following manner, unless special permission is received from the Director of Public Works. There shall be placed adjacent to each rail, oak timbers, commonly referred to as guard logs, of a depth equal to the combined height of the rail and tie plate. Two such guard logs shall be required outside each rail, constructed so that only the necessary opening to maintain the rail remains. One guard log shall be required inside each rail and constructed so that only necessary flangeway opening is between the guard log and the gauge line of the rail. The guard logs shall be eight inches wide minimum and shall be securely spiked to the cross-ties by screw spikes. The guard log shall be pre-bored and counter-sunk so that the top of the spike is flush with the top of the guard log or below it. The crossing shall extend the full width of the street and beyond for a minimum distance of eight feet to allow for a minimum four-foot sidewalk, as defined in Section 1030.03. The area between the inner guard logs shall be constructed to within two inches of the top of the rail with Bituminous Aggregate Base, Item 301 of the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications, the latest edition. The remaining two inches shall consist of Asphaltic Concrete, Item 404 of such Specifications. The openings between the rail and the adjacent guard log shall be filled with Item 404 or an oak timber filler. Item 405, Bituminous Cold Mix, may be used as a temporary patch when the local asphalt plants are closed. The area between the tracks of multitrack crossings shall be constructed in the same manner, and with the same material as between the rails of single track crossings. Solid timber or rubber crossings shall be required as prescribed and directed by the Director of Public Works when vehicular or railroad traffic warrants the same.
(Ord. 181-72. Passed 8-21-72.)