(A) No warrant for the payment of any obligation of the city shall be issued by the City Auditor until such obligation shall have been approved by the head of the department for which the indebtedness was incurred and by the Mayor. Such officers and their sureties may be liable to the Municipality for all loss or damages sustained by the City by reason of the wrongful approval of any such obligation against the City.
(B) The City Auditor shall have the authority to refuse payment of any obligation of the City if the Auditor determines that the obligation is not in conformity to law or ordinance. For that purpose, the Auditor may summon before him any officer, agent, or employee, of any department of the City, or any other person, for examination upon oath or affirmation relative thereto.
(Amended 5-3-11)
(A) No contract, agreement or other obligation involving the expenditure of money shall be entered into, nor shall any ordinance or resolution be passed, or order for the expenditure of money be issued by the Mayor, or be authorized by any officer of the City, unless the City Auditor shall first certify in writing to the Mayor or to the proper officer, as the case may be, that the money required for such contract, agreement, obligation or expenditure, is in the Treasury, to the credit of the fund from which it is to be drawn, and not appropriated for any other purpose. The City Auditor shall file and record such certificate immediately. The sum so certified shall be considered appropriated until the City is discharged from the contract, agreement or obligation.
(B) All moneys actually in the Treasury to the credit of the fund from which they are to be drawn, and all moneys applicable to the payment of the obligation or appropriation involved that are anticipated to come into the Treasury before the maturity of such contract, agreement, or obligation, shall be deemed in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriate fund and shall be subject to such certification. (Amended 5-3-11)