Section 4.03 Accessory Uses and Structures
   The purpose of this section is to establish standards for accessory uses and structures. Except as provided elsewhere in this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge, move or replace any accessory use or structure without first obtaining a certificate of zoning permit from the Administrator.
   A.   General
      1.   Accessory uses and structures may only be used for purposes permitted in the district in which they are located.
      2.   Not for dwelling purposes: Accessory structures shall not be used for dwelling purposes except as an approved accessory dwelling in accordance with this ordinance.
      3.   Building permits may be required: Depending on the size of the structure and the incorporation of various improvements (e.g., electrical, plumbing) a building permit may also be required.
      4.   See Article III, Section 3.03.5 for accessory dwelling standards.
   B.   Location, Setbacks and Height
Two-family lots - less than 2 acres in size
Two-family lots - 2 acres or larger in size
Lots over 5 acres in size
All other uses
Permitted location
Side/rear only
Permitted in all yards - may not be closer than 30' of r/w
Permitted in all yards - may not be closer than 30' of r/w
Side/rear yard only
Side/Rear Yard Setback
See district setbacks in Article II - Zoning District Provisions.
See district height provisions in Article II - Zoning District Provisions.
   C.   Maximum Number and Area
Two-family lots - less than 2 acres in size
Two-family lots - 2 to 5 acres in size
Lots over 5 acres in size
All other uses
Maximum Accessory Structures Permitted
No max.
No max.
Maximum Area (Accessory Dwelling Unit Area is Exempt)
600 sf per structure
1,000 sf aggregate
1,000 sf per structure
1,400 sf aggregate
No max.
No max.
(Ord. passed 3-15-2022)