For the purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALCOHOL. The compound C2H50H, known as ethyl-alcohol, high graded oxide of ethyl, or spirits of wine, from whatever source or by whatever process produced.
   ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. A liquid or solid, which is or contains alcohol and which is fit for human consumption and which is reasonably likely, or intended, to be used as a beverage.
   CONTAINER. A receptacle in which an alcoholic beverage is immediately contained and with which the alcoholic beverage contained in it is in immediate contact.
   PARK. Any public park or park located within the corporate boundaries of the Civil City of Ligonier, Indiana.
   PARK FACILITIES. Any pavilion, structure, building or other facility located within the corporate boundaries of the city, and operated for a sport or recreational park or park related use by the city acting through its Park Board.
   PERSON. A natural person, partnership, firm or corporation.
(1998 Code, § 5-8) (Ord. 471, passed 5-26-1987; Ord. 931-2019, passed 6-17-2019)