The Chief Marshal of the town shall have the power and authority to designate special parking and driving and operating rules, regulations and restrictions, as the same applies to any and all motor vehicles on special events and occasions and in emergencies, and the same shall be considered as a regular law, rule and regulation in full force and effect, the same had it been adopted according to the applicable statutes and laws of the state governing; the passage of the same provided that the Chief Marshal shall give as much and as adequate and as sufficient and as effective notice to all concerned as the Chief can under the circumstances.
(Ord. 95-4, passed 6-19-1995)
(A) It shall be unlawful to park a motor vehicle in any no parking zone or any part thereof so designated as the same, whether the zone shall be designated by painting the curbing yellow, by the placing of no parking signs (like “No Parking from here to the corner”, “No parking between signs”, and the other usual, customary and reasonable designations).
(B) It shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle upon all the public alleys in this town at a speed greater than eight mph.
(C) It shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle upon the streets of this town at a speed in excess of the posted limit thereof, except where the limits are not posted, the maximum limit shall be 30 mph.
(D) It shall be unlawful to park a motor vehicle in any space or place other than within and between the designated and customary lines.
(E) It shall be unlawful to fail to stop at any type of intersection where there is placed and erected the usual and customary octagonal stop sign.
(F) It shall be unlawful for anyone to park in a handicapped parking designated area unless the person doing the same is so qualified.
(G) It shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle upon the streets and alleys of the town in any manner contrary to the signs posted as herein provided regardless of what the signs read, including but not limited to and by way of example the following: “No U-Turn”, “Do Not Enter”, “One Way Only”, with the arrow pointing in the direction of the “One Way Only”.
(Ord. 95-4, passed 6-19-1995) Penalty, see § 72.99
All motor trucks, tractors, trailers, buses, house trailers, semi-trailers, farm machinery and equipment having a load capacity of in excess of eight tons, or a length in excess of 24 feet, or a height in excess of seven feet, or a width in excess of eight feet shall not park or partially park upon any of the public streets, alleys and highways of the town except temporarily while actually loading or unloading freight or other materials on or from the vehicle, except in places so designated by the Town Council.
(Ord. 1978-4, passed 10-4-1978) Penalty, see § 72.99
(A) Declaration of exception. When, in the opinion of the Utilities Superintendent, Chief Marshal and Town Council President, or their designated representatives, the actual or predicted accumulation of snow is two inches or more (which shall include freezing, ice or sleet) may create hazardous or dangerous roadway conditions for vehicular or pedestrian traffic, the Utilities Superintendent, Chief Marshal and/or the Town Council President shall have the authority to declare a weather-related parking exception.
(B) Affected streets. The only streets and sections of streets to which the weather-related parking exception applies are:
(1) Union Street, from Main Street to Layman Street;
(2) Fairground Street, from Seminary Street to High Street; and
(3) Market Street, from Seminary Street to High Street.
(C) Notice of exception. Notice of a weather-related parking exception shall be provided by posting notices on signs located on the affected streets. Media may also be used to provide notice. Once a weather-related parking exception is declared, it shall remain in effect until all signs are along the affected streets are removed or media notice is given.
(D) Parking restrictions during a weather-related parking exception. In the event a weather-related parking exception is declared, all vehicles must be removed from the designated areas. The areas must be vacated from the time the exception is declared until it is cancelled.
(E) Parking during weather-related parking exception. Parking for those vehicles affected by the exception will be made available on the east side of Railroad Street, between Union Street and High Street, for the duration of the exception.
(F) Notice of absence. Persons residing along the affected streets, who may be away for a sustained period, such as vacation or holiday travel, may place on file with the town contact information for a local person. In the event of a weather-related parking exception, the town will endeavor to notify the contact person that a vehicle must be moved. That notice, however, would only be a courtesy and not a condition of enforcing this section or removing a vehicle from the affected streets. The town shall have no obligation to directly contact anyone prior to enforcing this section. Contact information must be submitted to the Town Hall, and must clearly identify and provide a current number for the contact person.
(G) Removal and impoundment of vehicles. The Liberty Police Department is authorized to remove or have removed, at the owner’s expense, any vehicle parked on any part of an affected street during a weather-related parking exception.
(Ord. 2019-3, passed 8-19-2019)