(A) An amendment to a motion must be germane to the subject matter of the motion, but it may achieve the opposite effect of the motion.
(B) There may be an amendment to the motion, and an amendment to an amendment, but no further amendments.
(C) Any amendment to a proposed ordinance shall be reduced to writing upon the call of any member.
(1981 Code, § 2-22)
(A) Motion to defer consideration until a date certain. This motion requires that a date be set when without further action by the Council a matter will again be placed on the agenda.
(B) Motion to defer consideration indefinitely. Adoption of this motion removes the issue from the Council's consideration until a time as a motion to revive consideration is adopted (see § 33.43(A) below) or a new motion dealing with the same issue is introduced and seconded (see § 33.44(A) below).
(C) Motion to refer to a committee. Unless this motion includes an instruction to report the matter back by a date certain, or unless a motion is adopted under § 33.43(B), a matter referred to a committee remains there until returned to the Council by the committee.
(1981 Code, § 2-23)
(A) Motion to revive consideration of an issue. Adoption of this motion brings an issue back before the Council for its consideration, regardless of whether the issue had been deferred indefinitely or to a date certain.
(B) Motion to recall an issue from committee. Adoption of this motion may bring a matter immediately before the Council, or the motion may direct a committee to report an issue back to the Council by a date certain.
(C) Motion to reconsider a vote. This motion may be made only at the meeting at which the vote in question was taken and only by a member who voted with the prevailing side. If adopted, the effect is to negate the earlier vote and then bring the matter back before the Council as if the earlier vote had never taken place.
(1981 Code, § 2-24)
(A) Renewal of motions. A motion that is defeated may be renewed at any subsequent meeting unless a motion has been adopted in accordance with division (B) below.
(B) Motion to prevent reconsideration for six months.
(1) This motion is in order immediately following the defeat of a substantive motion and at no other time.
(2) It requires a 2/3 vote for adoption.
(3) A matter concerning which this motion has been adopted may be brought before the Council prior to the expiration of 6 months pursuant to a vote to suspend the rules.
(4) This motion does not bind a new Council.
(1981 Code, § 2-25)
(A) A motion to call the previous question is a motion to cut off debate on a matter under consideration and put the matter to a vote.
(B) This motion shall be in order at anytime, but unless each Council member present has had an opportunity to speak at least once on the issue, the motion requires a 2/3 vote for adoption.
(C) This motion is not debatable and may not be amended.
(1981 Code, § 2-26)
In addition to others authorized by this chapter, the following motion shall be in order:
(A) Divide a complex question and consider it by paragraph;
(B) Suspend the rules. This motion shall require a 2/3 vote for adoption;
(C) Take a recess; and
(D) Adjourn. This motion may not be amended.
(1981 Code, § 2-27)