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Lexington Overview
Codified Ordinances of Lexington, OH
TITLE ONE - Zoning Districts and Regulations
CHAPTER 1105 Title and Purpose
CHAPTER 1107 Establishment of Zoning Districts And Map
CHAPTER 1109 Standard District Regulations
CHAPTER 1111 CD Conservation District
CHAPTER 1113 R-S One-family Suburban Residential District
CHAPTER 1115 R-1 One-family Residential District
CHAPTER 1117 R-2 One- And Two- Family Residential District
CHAPTER 1119 R-3 Multiple-family Residential District
CHAPTER 1121 T Transitional District
CHAPTER 1123 B-1 General Business District
CHAPTER 1125 CB Central Business District
CHAPTER 1127 B-2 Highway Service Business District
CHAPTER 1129 I-1 Light Industrial District
CHAPTER 1131 I-2 Heavy Industrial District
CHAPTER 1133 Schedule of Regulations
CHAPTER 1135 OSD Open Space Development District
CHAPTER 1137 DROD Design Review Overlay District
CHAPTER 1139 General Provisions
CHAPTER 1141 Landscaping Regulations
CHAPTER 1143 Conditional Use Approval Procedure
CHAPTER 1145 Site Plan Review
CHAPTER 1147 General Exceptions
TITLE THREE - Zoning Administration
TITLE FIVE - Subdivision Regulations
   In all districts, in conjunction with the erection or enlargement of every building or structure, off-street parking space shall be provided with adequate access to each space. In connection with all permitted uses, off-street parking spaces shall be provided before a certificate of occupancy shall be issued. Parking facilities serving buildings and facilities required to be accessible to the physically handicapped shall have conveniently located designated spaces provided in accordance with the Americans with Disability Act, Fair Housing Amendments Act, Uniform Federal Access Standards and the Minimum Guidelines and Regulations for Access Design.
   (a)   General Regulations.
      (1)   Any area once designated as required off-street parking shall never be converted, changed, or occupied by another building, structure, or use of land until equal facilities are provided elsewhere.
         (Ord. 98-63. Passed 11-2-98.)
      (2)   Land areas designated on a site plan for required off-street parking facilities shall be used exclusively for the parking of motor vehicles except such areas may be used for outdoor sales or display or storage of merchandise if the minimum number of required off-street parking spaces for the business will remain. A temporary outdoor sale permit is required. No repair or service work of any kind shall be conducted outside of any building. (Ord. 00-04. Passed 4-2-00.)
      (3)   Any use not specifically mentioned shall provide minimum off-street parking facilities in accordance with the requirements established for a use which is similar in type and nature.
      (4)   The Planning Commission may grant an exception to the requirements of this chapter where joint use is made of parking facilities, provided the operating hours of such uses do not overlap.
      (5)   Required off-street parking facilities shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use served, except that a parking facility providing the sum of parking spaces required of several uses may be provided contiguous and in common to the several structures and uses served.
      (6)   Public uses such as churches, schools, and parks may establish with business or industrial establishments joint parking facilities for 50 percent or less of their required spaces, provided that a written agreement is forwarded, reviewed, and approved by the Village Planning Commission, and provided further that all parking areas so designated be within 200 feet of the public use.
   (b)   Minimum Number of Off-street Parking Spaces Required, Use Designation/minimum Number of Spaces Required.
      (1)   Residential uses.  
         A.   General: Two per dwelling unit.
         B.   Designated elderly housing projects: 1.5 per dwelling unit.
         C.   Assisted living elderly housing: 1.0 per dwelling unit.
         D.   Bed and breakfast and boarding house: 2.0 spaces and one added space per each room available for rent to the public.
      (2)   Business uses. The following standards shall apply to all districts except CBD where parking plans shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission. Within the CBD, on-street parking abutting the property and public off-street parking within two hundred feet of the business may be considered by the Planning Commission to partially satisfy the off-street parking requirements for that business.
         (Ord. 98-63. Passed 11-2-98.)
         A.   Auto wash: one for each employee and one drying space for each stall. In addition, adequate waiting space for auto shall be provided in accordance with Section 1127.03(e)(2) and subsection (d) hereof.
         B.   Beauty parlor or barber shop: Three spaces for each beauty or barber chair.
         C.   Bowling alleys: Five spaces for each bowling lane, plus one for each employee.
         D.   Dance halls, pool, or billiard parlors: One space for each 50 feet of usable floor area.
         E.   Establishments for the sale and consumption of beverages, food, or refreshments on the premises: one space for each three patron seats, except in CBD where these requirements may be reduced with the Planning Commission's approval.
         F.   Furniture and appliance stores, household equipment, and other similar uses: one space for each 800 square feet of usable floor area.
         G.   Gasoline service stations: One space for each lubrication stall or rack and one space for each gasoline pump.
         H.   Laundromats and coin-operated dry cleaners: One space for each two machines.
         I.   Miniature or par-3 golf courses: Two spaces for each one hole, plus one for each employee.
         J.   Mortuary establishments, funeral homes: Ten spaces per chapel room or parlor or one for each 50 square feet of usable floor area, whichever is greater.
         K.   Motel, hotel, or other commercial lodging establishment: One space for each occupancy unit, plus one space for each employee.
         L.   Motor vehicle sales and service establishments: One space for each 200 square feet of usable floor area, and one space for each auto service stall in the service room.
         M.   Retail establishments: Four spaces for each 1,000 square feet of usable floor area. (Ord. 98-44. Passed 10-8-98.)
         N.   Convenience stores/gas stations: Four spaces per 1,000 square feet of retail floor area within the building plus one space per each gasoline pump. (Ord. 00-04. Passed 4-2-00.)
      (3)   Office uses.
         A.   Banks, savings and loan companies: One space for each 200 square feet of usable floor area.
         B.   Business offices or professional offices, except those professional offices listed in subsection (b)(3)C. hereof: One space for each 300 square feet of usable floor area.
         C.   Doctors, dentists offices: One space for each 100 square feet of building area.
      (4)   Industrial uses.
         A.   Industrial, research, and storage establishments: One space per 1,000 square feet or one space per employee in the maximum working shift; whichever is greater.
         B.   Wholesale establishments: Five spaces plus one space for every 1,000 square feet.
      (5)   Institutional recreational uses.
         A.   Auditorium, stadium, exhibition hall, and assembly halls, or similar uses: One space for each three seats or six feet of benches, plus one space for each employee.
         B.   Business and technical schools: One space for each teacher, employee, and administrator, plus one space for every two students.
         C.   Churches and temples: One space for each three seats, based on the maximum seating capacity as determined by the state or local fire marshal.
         D.   Convalescent homes, children's homes: One space for each three beds, plus one space for each employee.
         E.   Elementary and junior high schools: One space for each teacher, employee, and administrator, plus the minimum requirements stated for an auditorium in subsection (b)(5)A. hereof.
         F.   Senior high schools: Four spaces for each classroom, office, or special classroom; and the minimum requirement for an auditorium as specified in subsection (b)(5)A. hereof
         G.   Golf courses other than a miniature or par-3 golf course: Four spaces for each hole or green, plus one space for each employee.
         H.   Hospitals and nurses' training schools: One space for every three beds and one space for each employee and doctor registered with the hospital.
         I.   Private and municipal swimming pools, tennis clubs, or other similar uses: One space for each two member families or individuals lawfully permitted in the pool at one time and two spaces per court, plus one space per employee.
   (c)   Supplementary Parking Space Requirements for the Uses Within Specified Zoning Districts.
      (1)   R - Residential Districts.
         A.   In one- and two-family residential developments, the required number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided on the same lot as the building for which they are intended to serve.
         B.   Multiple-family developments shall further comply with the following parking space requirements:
            1.   No more than 35 percent of the area of any required minimum distance between buildings shall be devoted to off-street parking drives, aisles, and maneuvering lands.
            2.   Ingress and egress to a parking lot within a multiple-family development shall not be across land developed for one-family purposes.
            3.   Each entrance and exit to and from any off-street parking shall be located at least 20 feet away from adjacent property lines located in a one-family residential development.
      (2)   Business District.
         A.   Off-street parking shall be permitted to occupy part of the front yard after the parking lot layout, drives, and aisles have been reviewed and approved by the Village Planning Commission. A minimum front yard setback of ten feet, exclusive of drives and aisles and measured from the nearest point of the off-street parking area and the nearest point of the street right-of-way line, shall be maintained.
         B.   Off-street parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or within 200 feet of the building it is intended to serve. The maximum distance of 200 feet shall be measured from the nearest point of the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot.
      (3)   Industrial districts. Parking shall be permitted within the side and rear yard setback. When parking is planned for side and rear yards, the layout of drives, aisles, and maneuvering lanes shall be subject to review and approval by the Village Planning Commission.
   (d)   Off-street Parking Space Layout and Standards. Whenever the off-street parking requirements indicated above require the construction of an off-street parking facility, such parking lots shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the following regulations. The Village Planning Commission shall review and approval all curb cuts for ingress and egress onto a public street in conformance with the following standards.
      (1)   Curb cuts for ingress and egress to corner lots shall be located a minimum distance of 50 feet form the intersection of the curb lines.
      (2)   No driveway shall be located closer than 20 feet from any adjoining lot line.
      (3)   There shall be no more than one entrance and one exit or one common drive from each parking lot.
      (4)   Drives for entrances or exits only shall have a minimum width of 14 feet and a maximum width of 18 feet. Common drives for both entrance and exit shall have a minimum width of 20 feet and a maximum width of 30 feet.
      (5)   Where ingress or egress is to be on a corner lot, the Village Planning Commission shall review the proposed development and will require the drives to be located on the street least congested or hazardous to auto traffic.
      (6)   Access to all parking spaces shall be through means of maneuvering lanes. Backing directly from a parking space onto a public street is prohibited.
      (7)   When the parking lot abuts residential uses, a barrier to prevent uncontrolled pedestrian access shall be required. Barriers can be in the form of landscaping or fencing.
      (8)   Handicapped parking spaces shall be provided as required by state and federal codes.
      (9)   The layout of individual parking spaces shall be in accordance with the following standards:
Parking Angle at
Base Line (
Lane Width
45 Degrees
9 Feet
20 Feet
10 Feet
60 Degrees
9 Feet
20 Feet
20 Feet
90 Degrees
9 Feet
20 Feet
24 Feet
      (10)   All lighting used to illuminate parking areas shall be arranged as to direct light away from adjoining properties or streets and no open light sources such as the stringing of bulbs will be permitted.
      (11)   Parking areas shall be of usable shape and improved with a bituminous asphalt surface as per the following standards:
         A.   Parking lot improvement specifications tar and chip (Industrial Districts only).
         B.   Remove all top soil.
         C.   Remove all grade subsoil to plus or minus one-half inch. Compact.
         D.   Apply a double course of CHIP seal surface.
         E.   Specifications for private parking lot asphalt
            1.   Remove all top soil. Remove and grade sub-soil to plus or minus one-half inch. Compact sub-soil to 90% Procter Test.
2.   Install in six-inch gravel base (four inches of #34 gravel and two inches Crusher Run Gravel). Install in three-inch lifts, maximum compacted with a steel wheel roller not less than three ton static weight.
3.   Apply MC-70 .4 gallon per square yard. Let penetrate for at least 24 hours.
4.   Apply two inches asphaltic concrete in two lifts - 1 1-1/4 inch #6 mix asphaltic concrete and three-fourths-inch #404 asphaltic concrete. Compact each lift with a steel wheel roller of at least three-ton static weight.
         F.   Specifications for private parking lot asphalt using black base asphalt.
1.   Remove all top soil. Remove and grade sub-soil to plus or minus one-half inch. Compact sub-soil to 90% Proctor Test.
2.   Install four inches of #3301 asphaltic concrete, installed in lifts compacted with a steel wheel roller not less than three-ton static weight.
            3.   Install one inch #404 asphaltic concrete compacted with a steel wheel roller not less than three ton static weight.
            4.   All asphaltic concrete shall be installed with a self-propelled mechanical paver.
         G.   Portland concrete cement.
            1.   Remove all top soil. Remove and grade sub-soil to plus or minus one-half inch. Compact sub-soil to 90% Procter Test.
            2.   Install six-inch gravel base (four inches of #34 gravel and two inches Crusher Run Gravel). Install in three-inch lifts, maximum compacted with a steel wheel roller not less than three-ton static weight.
            3.   Apply and finish four inches of Portland Concrete Cement with control joints and expansion joints necessary to control cracking.
      (12)   "Parking areas shall be graded and drained and provided with storm drainage adequate to dispose of all surface water accumulation. Stormwater retention or detention facilities may be required. Grades on the parking areas, drainage facilities, and stormwater management facilities shall not vary from the site plan by more than plus or minus one-half inch."
      (13)   Parking areas abutting a residential district shall be provided with an obscuring fence or obscuring greenbelt at least six feet in height on those sides abutting a residential district.
      (14)   All parking areas shall be maintained in accordance with the above standards as long as that facility is in use by any business or industry.
      (15)   The Village Planning Commission may waive any of the above provisions if strict adherence would result in undue hardship or be literally impossible to force compliance. (Ord. 98-44. Passed 10-8-98.)
   (e)   Additional Regulations.  
      (1)   “Driveway or parking area” means an improved area used as a means of ingress and egress to a property from the traveled position of the public or private road right of way. (Ord. 99-46. Passed 11-1-99.)
      (2)   Any new driveway, or any driveway replaced after the effective date of this subsection shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with this Zoning Code and other applicable regulations found in Section 1181.07 of the Zoning Code. Before any new driveway is constructed, or an existing driveway is removed and replaced, a driveway permit shall be obtained from the Village. All driveways shall be graded to provide for proper drainage and shall be constructed with a hard surface consisting of asphalt, Portland concrete cement, paving bricks, or decorative paving stones.
The following maximum width requirements shall apply:
Maximum Width
at Widest Point (feet)
Maximum Width at
Right-of-way (feet)
Maximum Opening
At Curb (Feet)
One-Car Garage
Two Car Garage
Three Car Garage
Four Car Garage
   In all cases, the maximum percentage of lot width at the minimum building setback line shall be thirty-five percent (35%).
         (Ord. 04-69. Passed 1-3-05.)
      (3)   No automobile, truck, trailer or other motor vehicle shall be parked or stored on any yard area or non-driveway portion of the front yard of any residential zoned property. All vehicles parked on any property shall be operable and shall bear current vehicle registration as required by the Ohio Revised Code.
      (4)   This section shall not apply during emergency situations, or during the time that a resident is moving in or out of the premises or for periods of four hours or less during a special event at that residence.
      (5)   A property owner found to be in violation of this section shall receive a notice of said violation and shall be advised of the action necessary to correct this violation. This notice shall also advise the property owners that there will be no further warnings for subsequent violations.
      (6)   The owner of record of any real property on which a motor vehicle is found to be parked in violation of this subsection and having been afforded a previous notice of violation shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
         (Ord. 99-46. Passed 11-1-99.)
   To help maintain the existing capacity of all public roads, the following standards shall apply:
   (a)   Number of Curbcuts. For each use without a parking lot, only one curbcut shall be permitted. If access to the use is combined with a parking lot, off-street parking standards in Section 1139.04(d) shall apply instead of this provision.
   (b)   Curbcut spacing. For all uses other than residential uses, all curbcuts shall be a minimum of 50 feet apart, unless the curbcut fronts on a state route, then all curb cuts shall be a minimum of 75 feet apart.
   Adequate space for the standing, loading, or unloading of motor vehicles involving the distribution of materials or merchandise shall be provided on every lot in connection with every building or structure in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of dedicated rights-of-way. Such space shall be provided as follows:
   (a)   All spaces shall be laid out in the dimension of at least 12 by 50 feet, or 60 square feet in area, with a clearance of at least 15 feet in height.
   (b)   The same construction standard for loading surfaces shall apply to loading areas. Loading space shall be provided as area additional to off-street parking spaces and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking space.
   (c)   All loading or unloading spaces shall be provided according to the following ratio of spaces to floor area.
Gross Floor Area
(Square Feet)
Number of Loading Spaces Required
0 - 5,000
One space
5,001 - 20,000
One space plus one space for each 10,000 square feet in excess of 5,001
25,001 and up
Three spaces plus one space for each 20,000 square feet in excess of 25,001
   Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work shall be removed within 30 days after substantial completion of the project.
   Storage barns not attached to a permanent foundation and being less than 144 square feet of floor area shall constitute a "temporary building" under the terms of this Code and shall not require a zoning permit. The structure shall be located in the rear yard area only. There shall be no more than one temporary structure on any lot or land in the Village. Temporary structures shall be counted in calculating the maximum percent of lot coverage specified in Section 1133.01.
   The sign code of the Village shall be complied with as it applies to the location, size, use, height of structures, and lighting of signs and outdoor display structures.
   The use of land for filling or dumping earth, sand, gravel, and decayed or decomposed waste materials, not in connection with general farming, agriculture, horticulture, or landscape activities, shall comply with the provisions of all other ordinances of the Village relevant thereto.