6-10-1: DUTY OF OWNER:
It shall be the duty of the owner or tenant of any premises within the city limits to keep the sidewalk in front of and abutting his premises free and safe for pedestrians and with all reasonable dispatch to remove snow, ice, slush, mud and other threats to safe foot travel, and to prevent the accumulation of the same upon such sidewalks. The sidewalks abutting such owner's or tenant's premises must be cleared by such owner or tenant from the night's accumulation of snow or ice or other impediment before nine o'clock (9:00) A.M., following such accumulation thereof. And it shall be the duty of such tenant or owner of said premises occupied by him to keep the sidewalks in front of the premises free and safe for pedestrians, and to prevent the continuance and accumulation of the materials described herein upon such sidewalks. In no case shall the snow and ice or other such materials removed from parking lots, filling stations, motels, etc., within the business district of said city be dumped or deposited within the adjoining streets, avenues or alleys or public highways. (Ord. 1402, 1-19-1976, eff. 2-18-1976)