The preliminary plat shall be drawn at a scale of not more than fifty feet to the inch, except where impractical, and shall show:
   (a)   The scale, north arrow and date.
   (b)   The proposed name of the subdivision.
   (c)   The name and address of the owner of record, the subdivider, and the registered land surveyor preparing the plat.
   (d)   A key map showing the location of the proposed subdivision referenced existing or proposed major streets and governmental boundaries, if any.
   (e)   The name and location of adjoining subdivisions and owners of record of adjoining properties where unplatted.
   (f)   The land contours with vertical intervals of two feet referenced to a United States Geological Survey or Coast and Geodetic Survey bench mark or monument.
   (g)   The location of dedicated and private streets at the point where they adjoin or are immediately adjacent the proposed subdivision.
   (h)   The location of all existing easements of record, sanitary and storm sewers, water mains, culverts, power lines and other surface or subsurface structures within the tract or immediately adjacent thereto, and the proposed location, layout, type and approximate size of the following structures and utilities:
      (1)   Water mains,
      (2)   Sanitary sewer mains and sub mains,
      (3)   Storm sewers,
      (4)   Street and sidewalk improvements,
      (5)   Gas lines,
      (6)   Electric lines, under and above ground, and,
      (7)   Cable television and telephone lines.
   (i)   The location of all drainage channels, if any, and the proposed method of disposing of all runoff from the proposed subdivision, as approved by the Department of Natural Resources.
   (j)   The length of the boundaries of the tract, measured to the nearest foot, and the proposed location and width of streets, easements and setback lines, and approximate lot dimensions.
   (k)   The existing zoning of the tract and of the property immediately adjacent thereto.
      (Passed 2-15-94.)