Subdivision and specific points therein shall be marked as follows:
(a) Concrete monuments as approved by the City shall be placed at all corners and changes in direction of the boundary of the subdivision. Where boundaries are comprised of curves, the point of curvature (P.C.), point of intersection (P.I.), and point of tangency (P.T.) shall be monuments. All monuments shall be placed flush with the ground and have at least two reference points established with tie distances.
(b) Iron pins at least three quarters inch in diameter and at least eighteen inches in length shall be placed on all block corners, P.C.'s, P.I.'s and P.T.'s along the dedicated street right of way.
(c) Iron pins at least one half inch in diameter and at least twelve inches in length shall be placed at all lot corners.
(d) All required monuments and iron pins shall be in place prior to acceptance of street improvements.
(Passed 2-15-94.)
(a) All subdivisions, except for those in a RR, Rural Residential zone, shall install or cause to be installed sanitary sewer lines in accord with these regulations and the Public Service District rules and requirements for new sanitary sewer lines and shall submit an approved certificate from the State Health Department.
(b) No building permit shall be issued for any structure to be located on a lot within a platted subdivision filed of record until the required sanitary sewer improvements for that lot have been installed in accordance with these regulations, except in the case of approved Rural Residential subdivisions where all other requirements for individual sewage systems have been met, and shall submit evidence of approval at the time of building permit application.
(c) Individual sewage systems, where allowed, shall be approved by the Department of Public Works and the Greenbrier County Health Department and/or the State Health Department. In the case where individual sewage disposal is proposed by means of a septic system or similar method, each lot, parcel or tract shall have a suitable location for such treatment system evidenced by one or more successful percolation tests, as required by the Greenbrier County Health Department and/or the State Health Department.
(Passed 2-15-94.)
The subdivider of any subdivision shall lay out, grade, and otherwise improve all streets that are designated on the approved plat in compliance with the following provisions:
(a) Streets shall be laid out, graded and otherwise improved according to standard specifications prepared by the Department of Public Works and approved by the City Council, and shall be subject to inspection and approval requirements as contained in said standard specifications.
(b) Street right of way and pavement widths and required cross sections shall comply with said standard specifications prepared by the Department of Public Works.
(Passed 2-15-94.)