(a)   Front yard building lines and exterior side yard building lines shall be provided in accordance with the front yards and exterior side yards established for the various districts in the Lewisburg Zoning Ordinance.
   (b)    Restrictions on buildings to be located within the building lines shown on the plat shall be set forth on the plat.
   (c)    Residential lots for single family detached units shall be not less that fifty feet in width at the front building line and shall abut a street a distance not less that thirty-five feet, except that a corner lot shall not be less that sixty feet in width at the front building line.
   (d)   Side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines.
   (e)   The area of residential lots shall not be less than that which is required by the Lewisburg Zoning Code, except where they may be approved as part of a Planned Development subdivision.
   (f)   Double frontage and reverse frontage lots should be avoided, except where they may be needed to provide separation of residential developments from major streets or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography or orientation.
(Passed 2-15-94.)