These regulations shall apply to the following forms of subdivision and/or the development of land within the corporate limits of the Municipality:
(a) The dividing of land into two or more tracts, lots, sites or parcels, any part of which, when subdivided, shall contain less than five acres in area.
(b) The redividing of previously platted land into tracts, lots, sites, or parcels, any part of which, when subdivided, shall contain less than five acres in area.
(c) The development of land in a manner not in strict compliance with the plat filed of record.
(d) The dedicating, vacating, or reserving of any public or private easement, public or private street or alley regardless of the area involved, including those for use by public and private utility companies.
(e) Planned Developments as defined by these regulations and the City of Lewisburg Zoning Ordinance.
(Passed 2-15-94.)