(a)    Residential Rates.
      (1)   General Information:
         A.   Rates are based on 32-gallon cans (4.27 cubic feet)
            Maximum net weight per can is 50 pounds.
      Waste should be bagged and presented at curbside in garbage cans with lids in place.
         B.   Customers may present trash only in bags but they take all risk for problems such as damage by wild or domestic animals. Also, the volume presented will be estimated by City employees ensuring that it is not underestimated.
         C.   Excess trash will be removed by trash crews and the customer's rate will be subject to increase. Minor amounts of excess trash will be picked up without a rate increase if occurrences are infrequent and usually associated with special events such as Christmas.
      (2)   Base Rate $13.00 per month - up to 1 can per week
      (3)   Standard Rate $16.00 per month - up to 3 cans per week
      (4)   Maximum Rate $18.00 per month - up to 5 cans per week
      (5)   Special Service Fee $10.00 per month
This is a special fee that will be charged to customers who need to have their cans picked up at a designated location on their property as opposed to being presented at curbside. It is available to all customers but is intended as a service for customers that are unable to move their trash to the curbside. Providing the service will be on a case by case basis. Service personnel will not be subjected to the risk of being bitten, long carries, needing keys, rough terrain or other risks. The Director of Public Works will have the final say for each case.
      (6)   Special Pick-ups $35.00
This is a special fee for a one-time pick-up. Call City Hall to arrange in advance.
   (b)    Commercial Rates.
      (1)   There are three systems for presenting commercial trash for pick-up within the City system. They are:
         A.   Bagged and presented in a garbage can ( not to exceed 32 gallons).
         B.   Bagged and in owner designed container that is approved by the City.
         C.   Light and Loose waste that will not rot and is presented in rooms or special buildings. These areas and the waste put in them must be approved by the City.
      (2)   Rates will be effected by the frequency of pick-up; which can be:
         A.   Daily- Monday thru Friday
         B.   Three times per week- Monday- Wednesday- Friday
         C.   Twice per week- on assigned days
         D.   Once per week on an assigned day.
Base rate includes one 32-gallon garbage can; weight not to exceed 50 pounds or 4.27 cubic feet of container.
(For 2-5 Cans)
An additional can is one 32-gallon garbage can; weight not to exceed 50 pounds or 4.27 cubic feet of container.
(For 6 or More Cans)
This rate would be applied to all cans, or 4.27 cubic foot units after the first one, which was covered in the base rate.
Cubic Yard
Light and Loose is empty boxes or similar light uncompacted waste loosely thrown into a storage room or structure. The measurement is size of the room or structure.
(Ord. 164. Passed 5-17-05.)
   (c)    City Trash Customers will receive the following benefits for no additional charge:
      (1)   Recycling. Curbside pick-ups of recycling materials will be made a minimum of two times per month.
         (Ord. 280. Passed 5-21-19.)
      (2)   Funeral Pick-ups. Customers who notify City Hall of a death in the family will have extra trash picked up and special pick-ups to accommodate need caused by the influx of family and friends visiting. This limited to a ten- (10) day period.
      (3)   Spring Clean up. One week each spring will be designated to pick up extra trash. Specifics of the pick-up will be announced yearly.
      (4)   Fall Leaf Pick-up. Each fall there is a program to pick up bagged leaves from the curbside. Specifics will be announced yearly.
      (5)   Christmas Tree Pick-up. Discarded Christmas trees, presented at curbside will be removed by City Crews if presented prior to the 10th of January each year.
   (d)    The Council shall have the right to establish and authorize the Recorder to collect such special charges and rates as may be proper for service to any person whose refuse requirements are sufficiently abnormal or different, in the opinion of the Director of Public Works and the Mayor, as to justify special or unusual handling of refuse. This shall include those buildings or dwellings not readily accessible to refuse collectors, and cases where refuse is not found in standard containers, high volume, etc.
(Ord. 164. Passed 5-17-05.)