(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, at any time, within the limits of the City of Lewisburg, to hunt for, trap, take, kill, wound or shoot at wild animals or wild birds with the use of any fire arm, bow and arrow, crossbow or any other weapon except when necessary in the performance of a lawful duty by a State of West Virginia Certified Police Officer, a State of West Virginia Department of Natural Resources Officer or of a Greenbrier County Animal Control Officer for the removal of or destroying of any crippled, diseased, aggressive or nuisance wild animal or wild bird.
(b) From time to time Council may determine that an over abundance of wild animals or wild birds within the City constitutes a nuisance to the City of Lewisburg citizenry, and at such time and with the guidance of the City of Lewisburg Police Chief may order the reduction of such wild animal or wild bird by a bonded and insured individual(s) or corporation by a resolution.
Such individual(s) or corporation authorized by resolution shall undergo a criminal background check and provide copies of bond(s) and insurance to the City of Lewisburg Police Chief. Such individual(s) or corporation shall submit to the Chief of Police the plan of action, area of action and method of reduction for approval by the Chief of Police. No reduction of wild animals or wild bird shall commence until all aforementioned items have been complied with.
(c) Any person convicted for violation of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction may be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten (10) days, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Ord. 202. Passed 5-19-09.)