(a)   Corner Lots. Corner lots shall have no rear lot line.   
   (b)   Flag Lots. When the handle of a flag lot is less than the minimum width for a lot in the zoning district in which it is located, the handle is not to be used in delineating the minimum required lot width. The minimum lot width shall be taken from the front building setback line. The handle shall be used in computing the required minimum lot size, except that in no case shall the area of the handle constitute more than fifty (50%) percent of the entire lot. No structures, whether primary or accessory, shall be placed in the handle.   
   (c)   Lot Width. In a case where there is only one side lot line, lot width shall be measured between such side lot line and the opposite rear lot lines or street line.   
   (d)   Irregular Lots. Front setbacks for irregular lots shall be measured from the front lot line adjacent to the street right-of-way with the greatest frontage in linear feet.   
   (e)   Pie-shaped Lots. Setbacks on pie-shaped lots shall be measured at the closest point between the building and the angled lot line.   
   (f)   Rear Lot Line (Irregular). In the case of a lot having no street frontage or a lot of an odd shape, only the one lot line farthest from any street shall be considered a rear lot line. Where there is only one lot line other than street lot lines, it shall be considered the rear lot line.
(Ord. 319. Passed 6-18-24.)