(a)   Criteria for Review. When reviewing and approving a Planned Unit Development, the following shall be considered:    
      (1)   The Planned Unit Development is generally consistent with the objectives of the city comprehensive plan.   
      (2)   The Planned Unit Development design preserves natural features of the site, such as floodplains, wooded areas, steep slopes, natural drainage ways, and other areas of sensitive or valuable environmental features.   
      (3)   Streets, sidewalks, pedestrian ways, bicycle paths, off-street parking, and off-street loading are appropriate to the land uses and will provide for safe and efficient circulation.    
      (4)   Ensure that the Planned Unit Development will not adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare of residents.    
      (5)   The proposed Planned Unit Development would not use or diminish the value of adjacent properties and neighborhoods.   
      (6)   The proposed Planned Unit Development will not cause traffic congestion.
      (7)   The proposed Planned Unit Development will enhance the appearance, function, and economic sustainability of the city at large.   
      (8)   Clustering of residential units should be utilized to preserve open space and recreational amenities for residents. Such projects, to the greatest extent possible, will include a mixture of different dwelling types, sizes, and lot configurations.   
   (b)   Application. Application shall be made to the Planning Commission. This application shall contain at least the following:   
      (1)   A legal description of the property under consideration, which also shows that such property contains at least two (2) acres of net buildable area.
      (2)   A fully dimensioned map of the land, including topographic information at a contour interval of not less than two (2) feet where land slopes do not exceed five percent (5%) or a contour interval of not less than five (5) feet where land slopes exceed five percent (5%).    
      (3)   A site plan showing the location of all existing and proposed principal and accessory buildings and structures, parking lots, buffer strips, plantings, streets, public ways, and curb cuts.    
      (4)   Proposed reservations for parks, parkways, playgrounds, and other open spaces with an indication of structure of organization proposed to own and maintain the common open space.    
      (5)   A vicinity map showing the location of the site in relation to the surrounding neighborhood.    
      (6)   Total number of residential units proposed.   
      (7)   Calculation of the area of land per dwelling unit.   
      (8)   Type and total square footage of all nonresidential land uses.   
      (9)   Setbacks and height of all existing and proposed structures.   
      (10)   Location of all watercourses and wetlands.   
      (11)   The feasibility of proposals for the disposition of sanitary waste and storm water.    
      (12)   The substance of covenants, grants of easement, or other restrictions proposed to be imposed upon the use of the land, buildings, and structures, including proposed easements or grants for public utilities.    
      (13)   The required modifications in the land use regulations otherwise applicable to the subject property.   
      (14)   A schedule showing the proposed times within which applications for final approval of all sections of the Planned Unit Development are intended to be filed if the development plans call for development over a period of years. This schedule must be updated annually on the anniversary of its approval until the development is completed and accepted.    
      (15)   A written statement by the landowner setting forth the reasons why a Planned Unit Development would be in the public interest and would be consistent with the comprehensive plan for the development of the municipality.    
      (16)   Approved preliminary subdivision plan.   
   (c)   Procedure.   
      (1)   Subdivision and Land Development applications for a Planned Unit Development shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with Article 1317 Plat Preparation and Approval Procedures.    
      (2)   A zoning permit for a Planned Unit Development shall only be issued following approval by the Planning Commission of the Subdivision and Land Development Application for the Planned Unit Development.
         (Ord. 319. Passed 6-18-24.)