The City Council may at any time revoke a permit issued under this chapter and shall revoke the permit held by any person convicted or violating any of the provisions of this chapter; and five or more freeholders resident in the city may petition the City Council, setting forth that any dancing place for which a permit has been issued is being conducted contrary to law, whereupon it shall be the duty of the City Council to hear and act upon the petition. Upon the filing of the petition or upon the decision of the City Council to institute revocation proceedings on its own motion, the holder of the permit shall be given at least ten days’ notice in writing of the contemplated act or petition, and a time shall be set for the determination of the matter, at which time the holder of the permit may appear and be heard and at which time final action or revocation may be had at the discretion of the City Council. Upon revocation of the permit, it shall be forthwith surrendered to the city.
(1973 Code, § 9-6) (Ord. 233, passed 2-7-1949)