(A) Wastes which originate upon or within any premises in the city shall not be suffered by the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises to accumulate in a manner or in quantity as to constitute a fire, safety or health hazard or so as to become unsightly, putrid or otherwise give offense to persons in the neighborhood. Wastes which are subject to collection as provided in §§ 96.15 through 96.26 shall be collected and disposed of as therein provided, and it shall be the duty of the owner, occupant and person in charge of the premises to dispose of all other wastes in a lawful and sanitary manner.
(B) Owners, occupants and persons in charge of premises in the city shall keep the premises free of noxious weeds and of undergrowth which affords breeding places for insects, reptiles or rodents. Owners, occupants and persons in charge of premises not devoted to agricultural purposes shall keep the grass thereon trimmed to a height of not more than eight inches.
(1973 Code, § 13-3) Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Noxious weeds along highways to be destroyed, see M.S. § 160.23
Noxious weeds and the like, see M.S. Chapter 18