The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be in the words, “The City of Le Sueur does ordain.” Every ordinance shall be presented in writing and read publicly unless the reading of an ordinance is dispensed with by unanimous consent of those present. No ordinance except an emergency ordinance shall be passed at the meeting at which it is introduced and at least three days shall elapse between its introduction and final passage which shall take place only at a regularly scheduled meeting.
An emergency ordinance is an ordinance necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare in which the emergency is defined and declared in a preamble thereto, and is adopted by a vote of at least three-fourths of the members of the council. No prosecution shall be based upon the provisions of any emergency ordinance until twenty-four (24) hours after the ordinance has been filed with the city clerk and posted in three conspicuous places or until the ordinance has been published, unless the person charged with violation had actual notice of the passage of the ordinance prior to the act or omission complained of.
Every ordinance or resolution passed by the council shall be signed by the mayor or in their absence by the president pro tem of the council, attested to, filed, and preserved by the city. Every ordinance shall be published once in the official newspaper. To the extent and in the manner provided by law an ordinance may incorporate by reference a statute of Minnesota, a state administrative rule or a regulation, a code, or ordinance or part thereof without publishing the material referred to in full.
(Ord. 556, passed 6-27-2016)
A resolution and an emergency ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage or at such later date as is fixed therein. Every other ordinance shall take effect seven (7) days after one publication or at such later date us is fixed therein. Every ordinance and resolution adopted by the voters of the city shall take effect immediately upon its adoption, or at such later time as is fixed therein.
Every ordinance or resolution repealing a previous ordinance or resolution or section or subdivision thereof shall give the number, if any, and the title of the ordinance or resolution to be repealed in whole or in part. No ordinance or resolution or section or subdivision thereof shall be amended by reference to the title alone, but such an amending ordinance or resolution shall set forth in full each section or subdivision to be amended together with the amended form thereof. In newspaper publications a method shall be used that will clearly indicate new matter and old matter to be omitted.
The council may by majority vote of the full council revise and codify in book, pamphlet or newspaper form, any ordinances, resolutions, and rules of the city and include therein for reference any applicable general or special laws. Such codification shall be a sufficient publication of any ordinance included in it and not previously published in a newspaper if a substantial quantity of the codification is printed for general availability to the public. A notice that copies of the codification are available at the office of the city clerk shall be published for at least two successive weeks in the official publication.