The city council hereby adopts the city of Lemoore zoning map (hereafter referred to as the zoning map) as the official designation of zoning district boundaries on real property within the city. The zoning map shall be regulated as set forth below.
   A.   Incorporated By Reference: The zoning map is hereby incorporated into this zoning code by reference as though it were fully included.
   B.   Map Amendments: Amendments to the zoning map shall follow the zoning amendment process established in chapter 2, article B, "Planning Permits And Entitlements", of this title.
   C.   Relationship To General Plan And Other Plans: The zoning map shall implement and shall be consistent with the city's adopted general plan. The zoning map shall be specifically consistent with the general plan land use plan and the roadway sizing diagram, and any adopted specific plans, special planning areas, or master plans.
   D.   Zoning District Symbol: Zoning districts shall be illustrated on the zoning map as follows:
      1.   Each base zoning district shall be described on the zoning map by use of its identified zoning district symbol, as listed in section 9-3-2, table 9-3-2, "Zoning Districts", of this chapter.
      2.   Each specific plan zoning district shall be delineated with a name, number, symbol, or other delineation, as determined by the planning director, which distinguishes it from other special purpose zones, base zoning districts, or overlay zones. The assignment of the special purpose designation serves to provide a reference to the corresponding special purpose zoning document (e.g., specific plan) adopted by ordinance of the city council.
      3.   Overlay zoning districts shall be designated by their representative symbol in conjunction with the base zoning district in a format determined by the planning director (e.g., RLD-PUD).
   E.   Zoning Map Interpretation: If there is uncertainty about the location of any zoning district boundary shown on the zoning map, the precise location of the boundary shall be determined by the planning director as follows:
      1.   The boundaries of a zoning district shall be the centerlines of streets, alleys, railroad right of way, drainage channel, or other watercourse, or the parcel lines of real property, unless otherwise shown. Where a district's boundaries approximately follow centerlines or plot lines, those lines shall be interpreted as the district boundaries.
      2.   If a district boundary divides a parcel and the boundary line location is not specified by distances printed on the zoning map, the location of the boundary shall be determined by using the scale appearing on the zoning map. Except as otherwise provided by this code through integrated development, each portion of the property shall be developed to the standards and allowed use provisions of the applied zoning district and any applied overlay zone(s).
      3.   Where the street layout on the ground or the parcel lines differ from such layout or lines shown on the zoning map, the planning director shall determine the exact boundary and the map shall be amended to conform to the layout on the ground.
      4.   Where a public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the property that was formerly in the street or alley shall be included within the zoning district of the adjoining property on either side of the centerline of the vacated or abandoned street or alley, unless the abandonment shifts from the centerline, which it will then follow. (Ord. 2013-05, 2-6-2014)