The City of Lemoore will share the cost of repairing sidewalks adjacent to the applicant's property in the form of a reimbursement after the work is complete. Program funds will be limited to the current year's budget, and will be issued on a first-come first-serve basis. The reimbursable amount will be as follows:
   A.   The maximum total amount to be reimbursed per application will be two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00) in one or more of the following reimbursement categories:
      1.   For repairs being completed by the property owner, the applicant may be reimbursed a flat amount of ten dollars ($10.00) per square foot. Receipts for materials must be submitted.
      2.   For repairs being completed by a hired licensed concrete contractor or hired handyman, the applicant may be reimbursed fifty percent (50%) of the invoice. Invoice must include square footage of repaired section.
      3.   The cost of permits or inspections may be submitted for fifty percent (50%) reimbursement.
      4.   If in the event that a tree must be removed and replaced to repair the sidewalk, the cost of removal and replacement may be submitted for fifty percent (50%) reimbursement if all the following conditions are met:
         a.   A permit to remove the tree is on file. This permit is issued at no cost.
         b.   The replacement tree is on the City approved tree list. (Ord. 2018-05, 7-17-2018)