6-4A-1: Definitions
6-4A-2: General Care And Maintenance Of Animals
6-4A-3: Cruelty To Animals
6-4A-4: Animals Running At Large
6-4A-5: Animals To Be Impounded
6-4A-6: Nuisance Animals
6-4A-7: Unlawful To Harbor Stray Animals
6-4A-8: Allowable Number Of Dogs And Cats
6-4A-9: Loss Of Privilege To Maintain Animal In City
6-4A-10: Vicious Animals
6-4A-11: Sanitation
The following words shall have the following meanings:
ANIMAL: Any nonhuman living creature, whether wild or domesticated.
ANIMAL AT LARGE: Any domesticated animal, whether or not licensed, not under restraint.
ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER (ACO): Any individual vested with authority by the constituted officers of Lehi City to perform all duties pertaining to animal control in the city; assistant animal control officers are authorized to act under the direction of the animal control officer; and the animal control officer shall act under the direction of the chief of police.
ANIMAL SHELTER: Any facility operated by a humane society or government agency, or its authorized agents, for the purpose of impounding or caring for animals held under the authority of this chapter or state law.
ANIMAL UNDER RESTRAINT: Any animal under the control of its owner or custodian, except, a dog shall not be considered under control of the owner or custodian unless on a leash or lead, confined within a vehicle, or within the real property limits of the owner or custodian.
AUCTION: Any place or facility where animals are regularly bought, sold or traded, except for those facilities otherwise defined in this chapter. Individual sales of animals by their owners shall not be considered auctions unless done in conjunction with two (2) or more owners.
BITE: An actual puncture, tear or abrasion of the skin inflicted by the teeth of an animal.
CAT: Any age feline of the domesticated types.
CIRCUS: A commercial variety show featuring animal acts for public entertainment.
COMMERCIAL ANIMAL ESTABLISHMENT: Any pet shop, grooming shop, auction, riding school or stable, zoological park, circus, performing animal exhibition or kennel.
CUSTODIAN: A person having the charge, care, custody or control of an animal that he does not own.
DISTRICT: The North Utah Valley animal services special service district. The purpose of the district is to provide animal shelter services for the city and to other jurisdictions in northern Utah County.
DOG: Any canis familiaris of the domesticated types.
DOMESTICATED ANIMALS: Animals domesticated by man so as to live and breed in a tame condition, including, but not limited to, cats, dogs, fowl, horses, cattle, swine, sheep and goats.
GROOMING SHOP: A commercial establishment where animals are bathed, clipped, plucked or otherwise groomed.
GUARD DOGS OR SENTRY DOGS: A dog used specifically to guard people or property.
HUMANE SOCIETY: Any organization for the prevention of cruelty to animals incorporated under the laws of the state of Utah.
KENNEL: A location where a business or person engages in boarding, breeding, buying, letting for hire, training for a fee, or selling dogs.
LEASH OR LEAD: Any chain, rope or device used to restrain an animal.
PERFORMING ANIMAL EXHIBITION: Any spectacle display, act or event, other than a circus, in which performing animals are used.
PET: An animal kept for pleasure rather than utility, including, but not limited to, birds, cats, dogs, ferrets, fish, hamsters, mice and other animals associated with man's environment.
PET SHOP: Any person, partnership or corporation, whether operated separately or in connection with another business enterprise, that buys, sells or boards any species of animal; with the exception of a licensed kennel.
QUARANTINE: The isolation of an animal in a substantial enclosure so that the animal is not subject to contact with other animals or unauthorized persons.
RESTRAINT: Securing any animal by way of a leash or lead, rope or chain.
RIDING SCHOOL OR STABLE: Any place which has available for hire, boarding and/or riding instruction, any horse, pony, donkey, mule or burro.
STRAY: Any domesticated animal at large.
VETERINARY HOSPITAL: Any establishment maintained and operated by a licensed veterinarian for surgery, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of animals.
VICIOUS ANIMAL: Any animal that is dangerously aggressive or has a propensity to attack or cause injury to any other animal or human being.
WILD ANIMAL: Any of the following, regardless of how domesticated they may be:
   A.   Alligators and crocodiles.
   B.   Bears (Ursidae).
   C.   Cats (Felidae), except the commonly accepted domesticated cats.
   D.   Coyotes, foxes and wolves, including hybrid wolves.
   E.   Porcupines (Erethizontidae).
   F.   Primates (Hominidae).
   G.   Raccoons (Procyonidae).
   H.   Skunks.
   I.   Venomous snakes or lizards.
   J.   Venomous fish and piranhas.
   K.   Weasels (Mustelidae), except the commonly accepted domesticated ferrets.
   L.   Deer, elk, moose and antelope.
ZOOLOGICAL PARK: Any facility, other than a pet shop or kennel, that displays or exhibits one or more species of nondomesticated animals, operated by a person, partnership, corporation or government agency. (Ord. 03-24-09.4, 3-24-2009)