It is the intent of Council, in adopting this chapter, that this chapter conform to the requirements of R.C. Chapter 718 as of January 1, 2006. Each provision of this chapter effective January 1, 2006 shall be construed such that it does not conflict with R.C. Chapter 718 as it existed on the effective date of this chapter, even if this requires that a provision of this chapter that appears to conflict with R.C. Chapter 718 be treated as a scriviner's error. The Law Director and City Auditor shall promptly advise Council of any legislative change, or of any court or administrative decision, that might cause or indicate a conflict between R.C. Chapter 718 and this chapter, and shall recommend to Council any necessary amendments to keep this chapter in conformity with R.C. Chapter 718.
(Ord. 2015-112, passed 11-10-15)