The registration provisions of this chapter do not apply to:
(A) Persons making solicitations solely for a church, religious organization or charitableorganization, including any unincorporated association or corporation under the supervision and control of any church, charitable organization or religious organization, if the church or organization is tax exempt under the provisions of the United States Internal Revenue Code; provided, however, that any person who seeks to solicit a charitable contribution shall first file with the Chief of Police a notice describing the charitable purpose, signed by at least two officers of the charitable organization.
(B) Students soliciting contributions to finance extracurricular social, athletic, artistic, scientific or cultural programs, provided that the solicitation and its purpose have been approved by the principal, president or chief administrator of the school and the approval has been filed in writing with the Chief of Police.
(C) Persons canvassing for the purpose of distributing political literature or materials on behalf of a political party, candidate or public issue or introducing themselves as supportive of a candidate, political party, cause or issue.
(Ord. 8469, passed 6-11-02)