Appointment and promotions in the administrative service of the Village shall be made according to merit, to be ascertained, so far as practicable, by open competitive examination.
Exempt Positions.
   1.   All officers elected by the people.
   2.   Clerk of Council.
   3.   The Village Manager.
   4.   The Secretary to Manager.
   5.   The Directors of Departments.
   6.   The Secretary to the Directors.
   7.   Chief of Police.
   8.   Fire Chief.
   9.   Members of Boards and Commissions appointed by the Council.
   10.   Unskilled labor.
   11.   Temporary employees of exceptional professional or scientific qualifications engaged as consultants for special work by the Village.
   12.   Seasonal and part time employees.
Classified Service. The classified service shall comprise all positions not specifically included in this Charter in the unclassified service as exempt positions.