§ 133.14 UNIFORMS.
   The policies set forth below shall be superseded by any requirements set forth in collective bargaining agreements. The employee will receive only the uniform articles he or she will be required to wear by the employee's supervisor.
   (A)   No employee shall wear or use any uniform or city-owned equipment except while on duty for the city or traveling to or from their job. All uniforms remain the property of the city, and the cost of any lost or unreturned uniforms shall be reimbursed to the city. Departments shall establish standards for uniforms. Said standards shall be approved by the City Manager.
   (B)   A new full-time employee of a division using uniforms will receive uniforms upon employment in accordance with department/divisional policies, at no cost to the employee.
   (C)   For those employees whose job responsibilities require the use of work boots, the city will provide a pair of work boots as needed. The vendor providing the work boots shall be determined by the City Purchasing Agent. Boots worn out or damaged in the course of regular use shall be authorized by the department head for replacement.
   (D)   Carharts, rain gear, helmets, gloves and other necessary clothing items will be issued to employees as the need warrants and at the supervisor's discretion. The City of Lebanon places a strong emphasis on safety and will strive to ensure that all employees are provided with the proper gear to safely facilitate their job responsibilities.
   (E)   Uniforms worn out or damaged in the course of regular use will be replaced by the city. The old clothing articles shall be returned to the supervisor.
   (F)   Upon retirement, resignation, or termination of employment with the city, the employee shall return all uniforms, boots, gear, and other items paid for by the city to the department head. All costs of uniforms and/or gear not returned to the city shall be reimbursed to the city by the employee.
(Ord. 6140, passed 11-24-87; Am. Ord. 6689, passed 1-28-92; Am. Ord. 6830, passed 4-13-93; Am. Ord. 7152, passed 12-26-95; Am. Ord. 7744, passed 12-28-99; Am. Ord. 8837, passed 9-23-03; Am. Ord. 9052, passed 12-14-04; Am. Ord. 2021-112, passed 12-14-21)