(A)   Location; specifications.  The location of Fire Department connections shall be approved by the Fire Marshal or his or her designee. Fire Department connections shall be installed where required by and in accordance with NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 1999 Edition, 675 I.A.C. 13-1-8 and NFPA 14, Installation of Standpipe Hose Systems, 2000 Edition, 675 I.A.C. 13-1-9. Additionally, Fire Department connection specifications shall comply with the following:
      (1)   Fire Department hose connections shall be freestanding and remote from the building, being a distance of at least one and one-half times the height of the building or structure;
      (2)   The connection shall be a five-inch Storz type connection with 45 degree turndown;
      (3)   The Fire Department connection shall be located to the curb cut of the main entrance of the project site or building it serves. The connection shall be arranged to face the street, driveway or fire access route. This location shall be placed in an area that will not interfere with access to the building when hoses are laid from the closest fire hydrant to the Fire Department connection;
      (4)   The Storz connection shall be arranged so that the connection is between 30 inches and 36 inches above the finished grade, sidewalk or pit box top or lid at the location of the connection. The Storz connection itself will not be painted. All other piping feeding the Storz connection will be painted red;
      (5)   The Fire Department hose connection shall be located not more than 100 feet from the nearest fire hydrant;
      (6)   Where the Fire Department connection is subject to vehicular damage, the connection shall be protected as follows:
         (a)   Protective post(s) shall be three inches in diameter schedule 40 or better steel post set in 36 inches of concrete. The inside of the post shall also be filled with concrete;
         (b)   Post(s) shall be located no closer than 36 inches from the Fire Department connection and shall not interfere with the operation of the Storz connection; and
         (c)   Post(s) shall extend above ground to a height at least equal to the top of the Fire Department hose connection.
      (7)   Post indicator valves (PIV) will be located at least three feet away from FDCs but not so far as to not be visible by the engine operator who is supplying the FDC (Fire Department connection). PIVs must not be located in a direct line from the Storz connection so that it does not interfere with the operation of the FDC.
   (B)   Security caps.  When a building is protected by an automatic sprinkler and/or standpipe system and the Fire Department connection is exposed to undue vandalism the Fire Marshal or his or her designee may require that a Knox security cap be installed. All new buildings equipped with an automatic sprinkler and/or standpipe system shall install a Knox locking cap on the Fire Department connection.
(Ord. 2009-10, passed 11-30-2009)