(A) If the legislative body shall desire to amend any existing chapter or section of this code, the chapter or section shall be specifically repealed and a new chapter or section, containing the desired amendment, substituted in its place.
(B) Any ordinance which is proposed to add to the existing code a new chapter or section shall indicate, with reference to the arrangement of this code, the proper number of the chapter or section. In addition to this indication as may appear in the text of the proposed ordinance, a caption or title shall be shown in concise form above the ordinance.
All offenses committed under laws in force prior to the effective date of this code shall be prosecuted and remain punishable as provided by those laws. This code does not affect any rights or liabilities accrued, penalties incurred or proceedings begun prior to the effective date of this code. The liabilities, proceedings and rights are continued; punishments, penalties or forfeitures shall be enforced and imposed as if this code had not been enacted. In particular, any agreement granting permission to utilize highway rights-of-way, contracts entered into or franchises granted, the acceptance, establishment or vacation of any highway, and the election of corporate officers shall remain valid in all respects, as if this code had not been enacted.
The corporate limits of the city are hereby declared to be such as have heretofore and hereafter and legally established and amended by law and ordinances of the city as shown on the official map thereof on file in the office of the City Finance Officer, which map is incorporated into this code by reference, and adopted as the official map showing the boundaries and limits of the city.
(Prior Code, § 1-300)