(A)   It will take a majority of the members-elect of the Common Council (three votes) to pass any motion, adopt any ordinance or otherwise take legislative action.
   (B)   Within ten days of the passing of any ordinance, the Mayor shall have the right to accept or veto the ordinance.
   (C)   In the event of a veto it will take four affirmative votes of the members of the Council to override the veto. The adoption of a motion to override a veto, reflecting a super majority of the Council (four votes or more) will not be subject to reconsideration, once taken. The parties acknowledge that § 30.39(G)(13) shall govern who has the right and under what circumstances to ask for a motion to reconsider.
   (D)   A vote, once made, cannot be changed except as follows: In the event there is a motion to reconsider a previous action taken by the Common Council, each member of the Council voting thereon is not bound by his or her previous vote.
(Ord. 8-2002, passed 4-1-02)