(A)   A Division of Sanitation to serve as the municipal residential garbage and trash collection service is hereby established by the City in order to provide for the health and welfare of its residents.
   (B)   The Office of Director of the Division of Sanitation is created pursuant to § 1-1-3-12(B)(3), which officer shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall be responsible to the Board of Public Works and Safety. The Director shall:
      (1)   Supervise all employees of the Division;
      (2)   Oversee the operation of the garbage and trash collection service; and
      (3)   Advise the Board in all matters relevant to the efficient and proper operation of the Division.
   (C)   The Division of Sanitation shall consist of the Director and those other employees as the Board from time to time shall authorize.
   (D)   The Board shall establish rules, regulations and policies for the garbage and trash collection service.