As used in this title, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
APPEAL AUTHORITY: The person, board, commission, agency, or other body designated by ordinance to decide an appeal of a decision of a land use application or a variance. Unless otherwise stated in this title, the board of adjustment shall function as the appeal authority.
CITY ENGINEER: An engineer or his authorized representative, which has been duly employed or retained by the city.
COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION: Any subdivision done in a commercial zone.
CONCEPTUAL PLAN: A sketch plan provided by the developer to illustrate the basic design of the subdivision showing measurements and neighboring property lines. The primary purpose of the conceptual plan is to inform the city of the proposed development, and to allow the city to make changes without expense to the developer.
CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: Formal plats engineered with all improvements, easements, structures, rights of way, grading, and utilities existing and proposed as outlined in this title. The required copies should be given to city staff to allow review by all affected and interested entities after approval of the preliminary plat. These plats are the working plats, where changes are made, and errors corrected before the final plat phase. The construction drawings are a series of maps with the detailed information required.
CULINARY WATER AUTHORITY: The department, agency, or public entity with responsibility to review and approve the feasibility of the culinary water system and sources for the subject property. The city presently functions as its own culinary water authority.
DRAWINGS OF RECORD: After the final inspection, the contractor shall provide a complete set of drawings of record that includes all items listed in the construction drawings and all changes from said construction drawings as they were actually constructed in the field. The drawings shall be submitted on twenty four inch by thirty six inch (24" x 36") sheets. No bond retainer shall be released until drawings of record are received. A submittal of drawings of record shall include a transmittal letter, in duplicate, containing: submittal date, project title, and signature of contractor or contractor's authorized representative. The transmittal letter shall also include certification by a professional engineer, licensed in the state of Utah, that each drawing of record is complete and accurate.
FINAL PLAT: A formal, engineered, and surveyed plat, showing the design and infrastructure of a proposed subdivision, including lots, streets, common areas, utilities and other features, as required by this title. Recommendation and approval of the final plat will be by the planning commission and city council, as outlined in this title.
FLAG LOT: An individual lot lacking frontage on a dedicated street with the only means of access through a private driveway.
LAND USE APPLICATION: An application required by the city's land use ordinance and this title.
LAND USE AUTHORITY: The person, board, commission, agency, or other body designated by the local legislative body to act upon a land use application. Unless otherwise stated in this title, the city council shall function as the land use authority.
LAND USE ORDINANCE: A planning, zoning, development, or subdivision ordinance of the city, but does not include the general plan.
LARGE SUBDIVISION: Any division of a tract of land into more than ten (10) lots.
LAVERKIN AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: The building official, public works director or any other city employee or official who has been designated to represent the city in carrying out its functions as set forth in this subdivision title.
LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT: In a subdivision means the relocation of the property boundary line between two (2) adjoining lots with the consent of the owners of record.
MYLAR PLAT: The final plat prepared on Mylar which must be signed by all required parties and recorded with the county recorder.
ONE LOT SUBDIVISION: The division, splitting off, or resubdivision of one developable or buildable parcel of land from a larger lot or parcel, subject to the provisions of section 11-3-1 of this title.
PLAT: A map or other geographical representation of lands being laid out and prepared in accordance with this title and Utah Code Annotated section 10-9a-603.
PRELIMINARY PLAT: A formal, engineered, and surveyed plat made for the purpose of showing the design of a proposed subdivision and the existing conditions in and around it. The preliminary plat will show the proposed development and is the working plat, where changes are made and errors corrected before the final plat phase. The preliminary plat may be a series of maps with detailed information as required and shall require review and a recommendation by the planning commission and approval by the city council as outlined in this title. The required copies should be given to city staff within the required time frame to allow review by all affected and interested entities.
PROJECT ENGINEER: The engineer or surveyor engaged by the subdivider to prepare the preliminary plat, construction drawings and final plat or to compile such data as may be required in connection therewith, in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision title.
SANITARY SEWER AUTHORITY: The department, agency, or public entity with responsibility to review and approve the feasibility of sanitary sewer services or on site wastewater systems. Ash Creek special service district presently functions as the sanitary sewer authority for the city.
SPECIFIED PUBLIC UTILITY: An electrical corporation, gas corporation, or telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Utah Code Annotated section 54-2-1.
SUBDIVIDER: Any individual, firm, association, syndicate, copartnership, corporation, trust or other legal entity, commencing proceedings under this subdivision title to effect a subdivision for himself or for another.
SUBDIVIDER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Any person who has been designated by the subdivider, in writing, as the authorized person to represent that subdivider.
SUBDIVIDING: The act and legal process of effecting a "subdivision", as defined herein.
SUBDIVISION: Any land that is divided, split off, resubdivided, or proposed to be divided, split off or resubdivided, into two (2) or more lots, parcels, sites, units, plots, or other division of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, for offer, sale, lease, or development, either on the installment plan or upon any and all other plans, terms, and conditions.
   A.   "Subdivision" includes:
1. The division or development of land whether by deed, metes and bounds description, devise and testacy, map, plat, or other recorded instrument;
2. One lot subdivisions; and
3. Except as provided in subsection B of this definition, divisions of land for residential and nonresidential uses, including land used or to be used for commercial, agricultural, and industrial purposes.
   B.   "Subdivision" does not include:
1. A bona fide division or partition of agricultural land for the purpose of joining one of the resulting separate parcels to a contiguous parcel of unsubdivided agricultural land, if neither the resulting combined parcel nor the parcel remaining from the division or partition violates an applicable land use ordinance;
2. A recorded agreement between owners of adjoining unsubdivided properties adjusting their mutual boundary if:
a. No new lot is created; and
b. The adjustment does not violate applicable land use ordinances; or
3. A recorded document, executed by the owner of record:
a. Revising the legal description of more than one contiguous unsubdivided parcel of property into one legal description encompassing all such parcels of property; or
b. Joining a subdivided parcel of property to another parcel of property that has not been subdivided, if the joinder does not violate applicable land use ordinances.
   C.   The joining of a subdivided parcel of property to another parcel of property that has not been subdivided does not constitute a subdivision as to the unsubdivided parcel of property or subject the unsubdivided parcel to the city's subdivision ordinance. (Ord. 2008-18, 11-19-2008)