A. Permanent Discontinuance Of Service: Any user desiring to permanently discontinue city utility services to said user's property shall notify the city in writing of such fact (by completing and signing a disconnection/termination of service request). Upon giving such written notice, the user shall not be responsible for water bills incurred after the date specified in the notice. Any credit balance in favor of the user as a result of an advance payment of bills or a deposit made will be refunded upon discontinuation of service.
B. Temporary Discontinuance Of Service; Damage:
1. In the event that a user's home, business or other structure receiving water service is damaged by natural and/or unnatural forces to such an extent that it is rendered uninhabitable or unusable for the purpose for which it was constructed and/or occupied, and the owner of the structure intends to repair/rebuild and reoccupy (or have reoccupied) the structure within three (3) years (1 year, if a nonconforming use or structure), the user may contact the city and request that all city services to said home, business or other structure be discontinued for a temporary period of time and that any billing therefor immediately cease.
2. The request for such discontinuance of service shall: a) be in writing; b) describe the nature and extent of the damage suffered; c) state the period of time that service should or is anticipated to remain discontinued, not exceeding three (3) years (except for nonconforming uses or structures, in which case the period is 1 year); d) indicate that the home, business or structure is not being occupied or used for the purpose for which it was constructed and/or used by user; e) state an intent to reoccupy such structure when it is repaired/rebuilt; and f) affirm, under penalty of perjury, the truthfulness of the statements and the representations of fact contained in said request.
3. Unless such statements and/or representations are known to be false, or they are insufficient to reasonably support a determination by the city that such service should be terminated, the city shall forthwith discontinue all service; and all city services shall be withheld until the user requests that such services resume.
4. In situations for which this subsection applies, no disconnection fee or reinstatement fee shall be assessed by the city so long as the user requests that services resume before the expiration of the applicable period of time, as set forth hereinabove.
C. Temporary Discontinuance Of Service; Voluntary:
1. A user of city utility services to a home, business or other structure may contact the city and request that such services be temporarily discontinued, resulting from a period of nonoccupancy.
2. The request for such discontinuance of service shall: a) be in writing (by completing and signing a disconnection/termination of service request); b) briefly state the reason for the anticipated vacancy; c) state the period of time that service should be, or is anticipated to remain, discontinued; and d) indicate that the home, business or structure will not be occupied for the purpose for which it was constructed and/or used by the user until such time as city services have been reinstated.
3. The city shall thereafter, but not sooner than such date of requested discontinuance, discontinue all city services to said home, business or other structure; and all city services shall be withheld until the user requests that such services resume.
4. The written request in subsection C2 of this section shall be accompanied by a disconnection fee in the amount provided by resolution.
5. Reinstatement of services shall commence upon receipt by the city of a written notice to reinstate services and the payment by (or on behalf of) the user of a reinstatement fee in the amount provided by resolution. (Ord. 2008-06, 3-19-2008)
D. Temporary Connections And Disconnections: The provisions of this section, unless specifically provided for in the applicable resolution, shall have no effect on or application to the temporary connections and disconnections provided by resolution, pursuant to subsections 8-1-2C and 8-1-3B1 of this chapter. (Ord. 2010-08, 10-6-2010)