8-2-1: Irrigation Water Department
8-2-2: Definitions
8-2-3: Water Meters
8-2-4: Seasonal Service
8-2-5: Applications For Connection, Service
8-2-6: Fees, Rates And Charges
8-2-7: Statement Of Charges; Delinquency
8-2-8: Connection Standards
8-2-9: Installation Of Water Lines
8-2-10: Extension Of Mains
8-2-11: Rules, Regulations And Pipe Requirements
8-2-12: Prohibited Acts And Activities; Notification Of Violations; Appeals
8-2-13: Liability For Damaged Equipment
8-2-14: Nonliability For Damages
8-2-15: Penalty
   A.   Created: The LaVerkin City irrigation water department is hereby created.
   B.   Operation And Maintenance: Operation and maintenance of the irrigation system shall be performed by the irrigation water department. The city will annually budget for the operations of the irrigation water department. The same personnel and systems now used for the operation of the culinary water system shall be utilized for this purpose. (Ord. 2007-14, 3-21-2007)
As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
COLLECTOR STREETS: The existing collector streets as of January 1, 2007, are 300 West, State Street (SR-9 and SR-17), Main Street, 100 East, 300 South, 170 South, 100 South, Center, 200 North, 300 North, and 500 North. Other collector streets may be added as outlined by resolution of the city council.
CONTRACT HOLDER: Any user of the irrigation system that maintains ownership of a contract for service to provide said water.
IRRIGATION DISTRICT: The boundaries of the service area for the irrigation system, which correspond with the municipal boundaries of the city as they existed on January 1, 2007. The boundaries of the irrigation district may be amended by resolution of the city council.
IRRIGATION WATER: Water furnished by the irrigation system, except where the context indicates to the contrary.
LAVERKIN CITY WATER BOARD; BOARD: The body charged with making recommendations to the city council regarding the maintenance, extensions, repairs and other operations of the culinary and irrigation water systems within the city. The composition, duties, meetings, and other details of the board are set forth in chapter 5 of this title.
LEASE USER: Any user of the irrigation system that does not maintain ownership of a contract for service.
LOT: A parcel of real property owned by one person or a group of persons. If contiguous parcels of real property have common ownership, they shall be considered as one lot.
PERSON: Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
READILY CONNECTABLE: The city utility service delivery system is reasonably accessible to the property in question, and connection thereto is reasonable and feasible to the property owner and the city from an engineering, legal, and cost perspective. For example, service lines front on or run through the subject property, and access and connection thereto can be achieved without substantial costs, the use of pumps and/or lift stations, large or premature cuts in road asphalt, etc. (Ord. 2008-15, 9-17-2008)
Water meters shall not be installed at each irrigation connection; provided, however, that the city council may determine, after review and recommendation by the board, that it is necessary to monitor water use through any irrigation water connection or combination of irrigation water connections, and may require installation of water meters and establish rates based upon water usage. (Ord. 2007-14, 3-21-2007)