(A) Expedited procedure in the event of certain small subdivisions of land.
(1) Whenever the tract of land to be subdivided complies with the definition of a
SMALL SUBDIVISION as defined within § 153.146 of this chapter, as determined by the joint decision of the City of LaSalle City Engineer and Building Inspector, then a preliminary and final plat of said small subdivision may be approved by the city by the joint approval of the city’s Building Inspector and City Engineer subject to final approval by the City Council without the necessity of a hearing before the city’s Planning Commission in such a small subdivision. Additionally, regarding a subdivision that meets the requirements of constituting a small subdivision in the appropriate exercise of the joint discretion of the Building Inspector and City Engineer of the city, further provided that said subdivision contains a division into not more than three 3 lots, the requirement of a formal “plat of subdivision” may be waived and excepted provided that in lieu of a formal “plat of subdivision” there shall be a land survey certified by a registered land surveyor clearly delineating the corners of all lots and further staking the corners of all of said lots by the initial joint approval of the Building Inspector and City Engineer and subject to the final approval of the City Council also without the necessity of a Planning Commission hearing.
(2) In the event that an applicant shall not obtain approval of a subdivision of land through this expedited process within 30 days of the submission of an application for approval, the applicant and/or proponent of a proposed small subdivision of land may request a hearing regarding consideration of approval of said plat of subdivision before the city’s Planning Commission and for eventual consideration of said request for approval by the City Council, subject to all appropriate lawful provisions of the city ordinances and state law.
(B) Additional exceptions. Whenever the tract of land in connection with any proposed subdivision of land is of such unusual size or shape or surrounded by such development or unusual conditions that the strict application of the requirements contained within this City of LaSalle Subdivision Subchapter would result in real difficulties or substantial hardship or injustice, the Council, after report by the Commission, may accept, modify and/or waive such requirements so that the subdivider may develop his, her or its property in a reasonable manner but so that at the same time, the public welfare and interests of the city and surrounding area are protected and the general intent and spirit of the Subdivision Subchapter of the City of LaSalle Ordinances is preserved. It is additionally expressly provided that in the further event that a subdivision of land suggested to potentially comply with the provisions of a small subdivision into not more than 3 lots has not otherwise been approved as provided in division (A) of this section, a waiver and/or exception as provided by this division (B) may be considered by the City of LaSalle Planning Commission and the City Council and can also include a waiver of a formal plat of subdivision provided that the subdivision meets the definition and criteria as set forth above in § 153.146 as a small subdivision of land, and further provided that the division of land is into not more than 3 lots.
(Ord. A-590, passed 9-15-1958; Am. Ord. 2550, passed 3-10-2015)