§ 153.146  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMISSION.  The City Planning Commission of LaSalle.
   FINAL PLAT.  The drawings and documents described in § 153.150(A) and § 153.151(B).
   MAJOR STREET.  A street shown on the major street plan, a part of the official plan.
   PRELIMINARY PLAN  The drawings and documents described in § 153.149(A).
   SUBDIVISION OF LAND. Regarding any prospective division of land, a SUBDIVISION OF LAND is the division of land into 2 or more lots, parcels or tracts of 5 acres or less in area; and/or the division of land involving the dedication of any additional streets, ways, utilities, or other areas for use of the public. Any sale and/or transfer of any kind involving a division of land by metes and bounds as defined in the preceding portion of this paragraph shall constitute a SUBDIVISION OF LAND and require, prior to any sale and/or transfer and before the delivery of a deed, the submission of a plat as required by law and by this chapter; provided, however, that the sale or exchange of parcels of land to or between adjoining property owners, where such sale or exchange does not create additional lots, shall not be considered as a subdivision of land, and provided further, that a contract of sale requiring conformity with this subchapter may be entered into, and further provided that the subdivision of small subdivisions of land as said term shall be defined herein may, subject to the provisions provided herein, be allowed and approved, pursuant to § 153.152 herein as shall be provided within said section. A SMALL SUBDIVISION OF LAND for purposes of this chapter shall be defined as follows:
      SMALL SUBDIVISION OF LAND. Any subdivision of land of less than 5 acres, also containing not more than 5 lots, and fronting on an existing improved street, and not involving any new street or road, and not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property, and not involving any new utilities and/or movement of any utilities, and not requiring any public improvements.
(Ord. A-590, passed 9-15-1958; Am. Ord. 2550, passed 3-10-2015)