(A)   Application of section.  The regulations set forth in this section or set forth elsewhere in this chapter, when referred to in this section, are the regulations in the C-1 Neighborhood Shopping District.
(1963 Code, § 10-7-1)
   (B)   Use regulations.  A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes:
      (1)   Any use permitted in the R-4 Multiple Dwelling District;
      (2)   Advertising sign pertaining only to a use conducted within the building, and any sign or display in excess of 35 square feet in area shall be attached flat against a wall of the building or within 18 inches thereof, and in no case shall any sign or display project above the roof line;
      (3)   Automobile parking lot;
      (4)   Bank;
      (5)   Display room for merchandise to be sold at wholesale where merchandise sold is stored elsewhere;
      (6)   Clinic;
      (7)   Dressmaking, tailoring, shoe repairing, repair of household appliances and bicycles, catering, dry cleaning and pressing, bakery with sale of bakery products on the premises and other uses of a similar character provided that no use permitted in this division shall employ more than 5 persons in a single shift on the premises, not including employees whose principal duties are off the premises or temporary seasonal employees;
      (8)   Filling stations;
      (9)   Offices and office buildings;
      (10)   Personal service uses including barber shops, banks, beauty parlors, photographic or artist studios, messengers, taxicabs, newspaper or telegraphic service stations, dry cleaning receiving stations, restaurants, and other personal service uses of a similar character;
      (11)   Private school;
      (12)   Retail store; provided, that in connection with such store, there shall be no slaughtering of animals or poultry on the premises;
      (13)   Laundromat;
      (14)   Florist shop or greenhouse;
      (15)   Accessory buildings and uses.
(1963 Code, § 10-7-2)
   (C)   Height and area regulations.  The height and area regulations set forth in §§ 153.045 and 153.046 shall be observed, and in addition every building or portion thereof used for dwelling purposes shall comply with the side and rear yard and lot area per family requirements of the R-3 Two-Family Residence District.
(1963 Code, § 10-7-3)
   (D)   Parking and loading regulations.  Off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth in §§ 153.060 through 153.064.
(1963 Code, § 10-7-4)  (Ord. 590, passed 6-26-1958)