(A) Pursuant to state law, including, but not being limited to, ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, § 15-316, those streets and highways as are set forth below shall have a maximum weight limitation of 30,000 pounds (15 tons) gross for a maximum 90-day period imposed upon them with no exceptions when in the discretion of the Mayor the streets and/or any of them, by reason of deterioration, rain, snow or other climate conditions will in the sole discretion of the Mayor be seriously damaged or destroyed if not so restricted and posted:
E 3rd, N 31st south for 1/2 mile |
E 6th Road, N 29th to N 31st |
N 29th Road, E 6th east to US Rt. 6 |
N 30th, St. Vincent east to E 5th (excluding township portions) |
N 31st, E 3rd west to city limits |
N 2959th, St. Vincent east to dead end |
N 2969th, St. Vincent east to Country Aire Subdivision |
N 2979th, St. Vincent east to dead end |
N 2999th Road, E 6th east to Utica Township boundary |
N 3029th, Illinois 178 west to E 6th |
(B) Additionally, and pursuant to state law, including, but not being limited to, ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, § 15-316, those streets and highways as are set forth below shall have a maximum weight limitation of 30,000 pounds (15 tons) gross for a maximum 90-day period imposed upon them with no exceptions when in the discretion of the Mayor the streets and/or any of them, by reason of deterioration, rain, snow or other climate conditions will in the sole discretion of the Mayor be seriously damaged or destroyed if not so restricted and posted:
Argyle Road from O’Conor Avenue to Sycamore Road |
Grant Avenue from Prospect Avenue to N. Crosat Street |
LaFayette Street from Kilmer Avenue to Pershing Road |
North Crosat Street from O’Conor Avenue to 300 feet north of Baker Avenue |
O’Conor Avenue from Prospect Avenue to St. Vincent Avenue |
Prospect Avenue from O’Conor Avenue to Garfield Avenue |
Tonti Street from end of pavement of North Eleventh Street to Roosevelt Road |
Union Street from Fifth Street to 230 feet north of Sixth Street |
(C) Additionally, during the entire calendar year, the maximum gross weight of any vehicle on the road surface shall not exceed 30,000 pounds (15 tons) on the following described street situated in the City of LaSalle:
First Street from Bucklin to Union Street |
(E) Notwithstanding any division of this section suggesting to the contrary, however, vehicles of legal height and weight limit making service calls, pickups, or deliveries to residences, farms, and non- commercial entities on such roadways are hereby excluded from the provisions of this section for access to and from the residences or farms via the closest non-posted all-weather roadway.
(F) Truck traffic within the City of LaSalle as provided herein is specifically further regulated and limited as provided herein:
(1) Definitions. For the purpose of this section the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
CITY. The City of LaSalle, LaSalle County, Illinois.
DELIVERY TRUCK. A truck conveying property to a destination within the city or picking up property within the city for transportation elsewhere or outside the city.
DEVIATING TRUCK. A truck which leaves and departs from a truck route while traveling inside the city.
PERSON. Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
TRUCK. is any vehicle designed or operated for the transportation of property, and whose combined body and load weight exceeds 20,000 pounds or whose body and load length exceeds 25 feet.
TRUCK ROUTE. A way over certain streets, as designated herein, over and along which trucks coming into and going out of the city must operate.
(2) Regulations. All trucks within the city shall be operated only over and along the truck routes herein established and on the other designated streets over which truck travel is permitted. There are hereby established within the city the following "truck routes":
(a) US Route 6;
(b) State of Illinois Route 351;
(c) The portion of Civic Road between Route 351 and Chartres Street, inclusive;
(d) Murphy Drive;
(e) Cannon Parkway;
(f) The portion of Bucklin Street between Route 6 to 1st Street, inclusive;
(g) The portion of 1st Street from Bucklin Street heading west to the border with the City of Peru;
(3) Exceptions. Division (F)(2) of this section shall not apply to trucks operated in the following manner and the following usage shall not be deemed a violation of this section:
(a) Emergency vehicles. The operation of emergency vehicles upon any street in the city.
(b) Public utilities. The operation of trucks owned or operated by the city, a public utility, any contractor or material men while engaged in repair, maintenance or construction of streets, street improvements, or utilities within the city.
(c) Delivery trucks. The operation of a delivery truck upon any street to a point for the delivery of property or a point of origin for picking up property when such operation shall be on a street providing the shortest distance to a truck route from the point of destination or origin, as the case may be.
(d) Detoured trucks. The operation of trucks upon any officially established detour in any case where such truck could lawfully be operated upon the street for which such detour is established.
(4) Further regulatory provisions regarding truck routes.
(a) Clerk maintains maps. The City Clerk shall keep and maintain accurate maps setting out truck routes and streets upon which truck traffic is permitted; the maps shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk and shall be available to the public.
(b) Chief of Police maintains signs. The Chief of Police of the city shall cause all truck routes and those streets upon which truck traffic is permitted to be clearly posted to that effect.
(c) Weigh-in. Any police officer of the city shall have the authority to require any person driving or in control of any truck not proceeding over a truck route or street over which truck traffic is permitted to proceed to any public or private scale available for the purpose of weighing and determining whether this section and the statutes of the State of Illinois governing motor vehicles have been complied with.
(5) Additional truck regulatory provisions regarding spilling loads on city streets and highways.
(a) No truck shall be driven or moved on any street, highway and/or alley within the city unless such truck is so constructed or loaded as to prevent any of its load from dropping, shifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom, except that sand may be dropped for purposes of securing traction, or water or other substance may be sprinkled on the roadway in cleaning or maintaining such roadway.
(b) No person or entity shall operate on any street, highway or alley any truck with any load unless said load and any covering thereon is securely fastened so as to prevent said covering or load from becoming loose, detached, or in any manner a hazard to other users of the highway.
(c) Any spillage or allowance of deposit by a truck on roadways and/or adjacent premises of any solids, liquids and/or any other substance is hereby declared a nuisance and a violation of this section, except to the extent specifically allowed within division (F)(5)(a) of this section.
(d) Additionally, any prohibited spillage and/or deposit by a truck on roadways and/or adjacent premises other than as specifically allowed within division (F)(5)(a) of this section shall also be immediately cleaned up and remediated and any failure to do so shall constitute an additional violation of this section.
(G) Penalties. The penalties for violation of any provision of this section shall include the following:
(1) The penalties as set forth in ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, § 15-316, pursuant to state law, and pursuant to saying the owner and/or operator of the vehicle may be prosecuted for any such violation with a penalty to be as set forth within the Illinois Compiled Statutes, including, but not limited to, those set forth in ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, § 15-316, which are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference.
(2) An additional penalty shall be a fine for any violation of any provisions of this section pursuant to the provisions of this section, which section violation fine shall not be less than $60 nor more than $750 for each violation of this section, and each occurrence of a violation shall be considered a separate and independent violation of this section for purposes of fines, penalties and enforcements.
(3) Any person who violates any provision of § 73.07(F)(1) through (5) shall be subject to a fine of not less than $75, nor more than $750 for each offense; a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day and/or involving each event during or on which a violation occurs or continues; provided further that the provisions of this section shall be subject to the provisions of law and recently updated City of La Salle Ordinance Number 2576 related to processing and enforcement of City Code Violation Complaints regarding specifically § 2 of said Ordinance. However, the potential for informal resolution is subject to the appropriate exercise of the discretion of the City of LaSalle Police Department and/or the Office of the City of LaSalle Building Inspector, as the case may be.
(1963 Code, § 9-10-1) (Ord. 756, passed 7-8-1968; Am. Ord. 1962, passed 6-5-2006; Am. Ord. 2034, passed 9-25-2006; Am. Ord. 2262, passed 3-7-2011; Am. Ord. 2617, passed 12-21-2015)
Truck routes, see Ch. 75, Sch. V