The following fees are hereby established for fire deployment fees in connection with motor vehicle incidents and related matters for services set forth below.
This shall include, but not be limited to hazardous materials assessment and scene stabilization, clean-up of materials used (sorbents) for hazardous fluid clean-up and scene safety, fire suppression, use of breathing air, rescue tools, hand tools, hose, tip use, foam, structure protection, all heavy extrication, landing zone set up in the event there should be any helicopter landing zones, traffic control and all matters related thereto.
Per hour per truck working at incident
Per man per hour of on scene work
Per man per hour station back fill due to incident
Full cost replacement of all equipment and/or other materials damaged and/or expended during the course of the incident, clean-up and disposal.
   (B)   In the joint discretion and approval of the Mayor and the Fire Chief, these fees may be waived in connection with a resident of the City of LaSalle.
   (C)   These fees may be modified upon the joint approval of the Mayor and the Fire Chief of the City of LaSalle.
(Ord. 2259, passed 1-10-2011)
   Ambulance service fees, see § 119.14