10.14.040   Site Design and Architectural Standards.
   A.   Access, Circulation, and Loading Areas.
      1.   Primary vehicular and pedestrian access shall be from a street with a General Plan classification of Collector or higher, unless the Director determines that no other access is possible.
      2.   The minimum driveway widths shall be as required by the Fire Department.
      3.   Circulation shall be designed for both vehicle and pedestrian use. Pedestrian access from the street and the parking lot to the main door of the business shall be designed to avoid conflict with vehicular traffic.
      4.   Loading areas shall be designed and located to avoid conflicts with interior pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and to minimize noise and other impacts on adjacent uses.
   B.   Architectural Treatment.
      1.   Structures shall be designed to avoid long, monotonous, plain facades. Techniques such as staggered building planes, variation of facades, recessed entries, and the use of arcades shall be used to create variety and interest.
      2.   Quality and definable architectural treatment shall be applied to all facades exposed to public view from a street.
      3.   Particular consideration to color and material shall be given to the design and treatment of roofs because of their potential visual impact. Roof flashing, rain gutters, down spouts, vents, and other roof protrusions shall be screened from view or finished to match adjacent materials and/or colors of the structure.
      4.   Additions to structures shall be designed to match the roofline, style, and colors of the original structure. Where the original structure has limited design quality, the addition shall work to enhance the overall appearance of the site.
      5.   Building entrances shall be readily identifiable through the use of varied height, color, or building planes.
   C.   Walls and Fences.
      1.   Wall and fencing materials and patterns shall be compatible with the style and themes of the structures. Unfinished precision block walls are specifically prohibited.
      2.   Where walls are erected in locations visible from a public right-of-way, the use of full dimension caps, pilasters, and changes in wall surfaces (staggering) shall be applied.
      3.   In locations where walls might invite vandalism or graffiti, landscaping shall be provided along the walls.
   D.   Landscaping. Landscaping, at a minimum, shall be provided in all required setback and all yard areas that face a public right-of-way or private street, within required parking areas pursuant to Chapter 10.30 (Off-Street Parking and Loading), and as otherwise may be required through the Site Plan Review process or any required discretionary approval.
(Ord. 935 § 3 (part), 2015)