5.58.010 Applicability.
   The regulations, requirements and criteria established in this chapter shall apply to any site, facility, location, entity, dispensary, cooperative or collective in the city of La Puente that distributes, dispenses, stores, exchanges, processes, delivers, gives away, transmits, cultivates or otherwise offers marijuana for medical purposes to qualified patients, health care providers, persons with identification cards, patients' primary caregivers, or physicians, pursuant to Health and Safety Code §§ 11362.5, 11362.7 - 11362.83 or any state regulations adopted in furtherance thereof. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to conflict with provisions of Health and Safety Code § 11362.5 (Compassionate Use Act) and Health and Safety Code § 11362.7 et seq. (Medical Marijuana Program). Any medical marijuana cooperative or collective, as defined in Section 5.58.020 of this chapter, operating in the city pursuant to a valid business license issued under Chapter 5.04 of the code prior to February 12, 2010, shall comply with the operational and membership regulations of this chapter, immediately upon the effective date of this chapter.
(Ord. 10-902 § 2, 2010; Ord. 10-901 § 2, 2010; Ord. 09-983 § 2, 2010)