11.28.210 Water mains and fire hydrants.
   (a)   The subdivider shall install or agree to install mains and fire hydrants in the division of land for the general use of the lot owners and for fire protection. The installation of such water mains and fire hydrants shall comply in all respects with all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to water mains and fire hydrants.
   (b)   In the absence of such statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations required domestic water flows shall be determined by the city engineer and required duration of fire flows, and fire hydrant type and location shall be determined by the fire chief.
   (c)   Water mains and fire hydrants may be required on existing streets or highways adjacent to or within the division of land, provided the existing improvements are insufficient for the general use and/or fire protection of the lot owners.
(Ord. 537 § 2 (part), 1985)