(A)   All subdividers shall provide curbs and gutters along all roads within a subdivision.  This does not apply to county roads previously in existence prior to the development of a subdivision.
   (B)   The curbs and gutters shall be of the construction type shown the Minimum Standards for Highways in All Subdivisions (see Appendix E), and shall be constructed according to the following specifications.
      (1)   The base for the curb and gutter shall be well-compacted on the existing base or grade.
      (2)   The minimum specification shall be shown for the type of cross-section in the Minimum Standards for Highways in All Subdivisions (see Appendix E).
      (3)   All concrete used in the curb and gutter shall meet the state highway specification for Class A concrete.
      (4)   Integral or monolithic curb of the same dimensions as shown in division (A) of Appendix B to this chapter may be built on concrete pavements, provided the pavement widths are maintained as required in the code.
(`88 Code, § 8-111)  (Ord. 98-20, passed 11-10-98)