Any police officer shall be suspended or dismissed from the service if the Chief of Police, after investigation and hearing, is satisfied that the police officer has violated any of the provisions of this section:
   (A)   Who is found under the influence of any narcotic or intoxicating substance while on duty;
   (B)   Who shall be guilty of immoral conduct;
   (C)   Who shall visit a disorderly house, except in the discharge of his or her legitimate duty;
   (D)   Who shall absent himself or herself from the town without the permission of the Chief of Police;
   (E)   Who shall enter into any collusion with any prosecutor, defendant or witness;
   (F)   Who shall solicit business for any practicing attorney or professional bondsperson;
   (G)   Who willfully neglects the performance of any duty lawfully imposed upon him or her; and/or
   (H)   Who shall be guilty of other conduct, which, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, renders him or her unfit for the duties of a police officer.
(Prior Code, § 11-7)