(A)   (1)   Police officers shall have authority to arrest all persons for violations of the laws of the state or provisions of this code or other ordinances of the town, and to execute, anywhere in the police jurisdiction of the town, any warrant or process.
      (2)   If resisted in the discharge of their official duties, the police officers shall have authority to summon a sufficient number of citizens to aid in enforcing the law. Any person summoned to assist a police officer in the discharge of his or her duty shall, for the time, have authority equal to that of a regular police officer.
(Prior Code, § 11-5)
   (B)   It shall be the duty of police officers:
      (1)   To suppress all disturbances and arrest all offenders against the laws of the state or ordinances of the town;
      (2)   To prevent injuries to town property and buildings and to the streets and sidewalks of the town;
      (3)   During nighttime, to examine all persons abroad whom they have reason to suspect of any unlawful design;
      (4)   To hold themselves in readiness at all times to answer the calls, and obey the orders, of their superiors;
      (5)   To conform to all rules and regulations of the Police Department;
      (6)   To render their services with zeal, courage, discretion and fidelity;
      (7)   When designated for the purpose by the Chief of Police, to serve and execute tax levy papers and conduct tax sales under the general direction of the Tax Collector;
      (8)   To report to their superiors any information given them by responsible persons as to violations of law, this code or ordinances; and to report conditions or circumstances within their own knowledge which give rise to reasonable supposition of violations of laws or chapters; and to make the investigation thereof as may be directed by their superiors; and
      (9)   To perform all duties and obey all commands lawfully assigned to or given them by their superior officers.
   (C)   No member of the Police Department shall absent himself or herself from his or her duties without leave by his or her superior officer.
(Prior Code, § 11-6)